chapter 13 ♣ Corrected Mistakes

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"Even if it costs you everything?"

"She's my everything. I would choose her a million times, over knight industries. K.I can be broken down to pieces, rebuilt again. It is possible to have different branches all over the world. If I loose this company, it's possible to build it back up, but if I loose Eve, there's nothing or no one on earth, that can ever replace her. I can't build her back up like K.I, nor make many braches of her Zurich. You might not fully understand me or my actions, because you haven't experienced what it means, to love someone. It freaking hurts. Every time I spend away from her hurts, and I don't want to have to go through that. I don't deserve to go through any of that, so this is my final decision. I'm quitting K.I.”

"Okay, let's say you do quit, who's going run the company for you? There are only two other knights capable of running the company. Fred and Asha. Your mother is too old to run this company. Fred travels a lot, sometimes for months, sometimes for years. He loves going out to see the world, and wouldn't want to be tied down by the company, so he would reject to be it's president, and you and I both know that Asha is plain not interested in the company. Infact the company could go down, and it wouldn't concern her. She's never loved this company, because she has always believed it's what killed your father. So naturally, she would reject it too.  We have now ran out of knights to call. No other children, not even a bastard child lurking over, somewhere. Who the heck is going to take over from where you left? Tell me Zach? Who? A distant cousin?”

"You" Zach answered simply.

"Me? You must be insane. Haven't you been hearing what I've been saying since? I am no knight!”

"Oh you are. You are a knight in every way, I fear, even more than I am. You're the perfect candidate to take over this company. No one in this world, has half as much passion as you do for this job. I can only hope you find love also. A supportive wife, so that your life would be complete. Now, I am going off to make another woman mine forever, or die trying.”

.............flashback ended............

Zach slowly got down from his car, and went to knock on Eve's door.

Kate Fitzman was the one who opened

"what are you doing here. You still have the guts to come here, after what you did to her? Are you not satisfied? Do you still want to inflict more? You should be highly ashamed of yourself. If you had a feud against the fitzmans, you should have at least inflicted it on me, her eldest sister! Eve was so full of fun and joy, why did you have to take that away from her? What you did she ever do to you? You left a pregnant woman who loved you alone? How could you?”

"what do you mean pregnant?” Zach asked, shocked.

"Don't feign ignorance Zachary Knight. Or didn't you sleep with my sister? Don't you know how babies are made? Eve is pregnant with your child. And you left her alone, not caring about that, you ran off to your precious company, not caring who you hurt along the way, who you used. You're worse than your father. I hope the company kills you as well”

He ignored what she just said. knowing that he might as well have deserved it.

"Where is she? I want to see her.” Zach said desperately, trying to hide his excitement and failing miserably.

“Give me one reason why I should tell you that, Zach? So that you can cause her more pain?”

"No. So that I can get the chance to tell her that, she's the one I love. She's the one I've always loved, and I'm sorry to have ever made the mistake of leaving her. I'm sorry that it took me seven months to realize that...”

"Hold on" kate said interrupting

"You shouldn't be telling those things to me. You should be telling them to Yvonne”

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