Chapter 6~The Moon Goddess and Michael

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"Michael was different than any other wolf I had met.He was evil and manipulative.One day he had a witch summon me after sacrificing his wolf.He begged me to listen to him and so I did.He told me that he was forced to kill your parents and that he didn't want to, he said he never wanted to hurt you but his life was on the line and he had two little boys who needed their father so I believed him.He started to tell me about his son Alex how he was a special wolf and how he deserved a special mate-I told him he was destined to have a mate who would love and choose him but it wasn't her who he wanted for his son.He said he wanted the best and the best was Phoenix my granddaughter.I explained to him that you were fated to be mated with Mateo Russo and together you would be the rulers of wolves.That although Mateo was going to be Don you'd choose him anyway and that the scale had already been tipped in your favor.He told me that you deserved to be happy and given the ability to live a life without drama and having to worry about if your mate would die that day or not.He told me that he could erase Mateo from the picture but all I had to do was ensure that you and his son would be together.I stupidly agreed and made Alex your mate." She said taking a deep breath.I shook my head in denial as tears started to run down my cheeks.

"So Michael is the reason we had to run?" The Luna asked angrily.My eyes flickered over to her as I bit down on my tongue from saying anything to her.

"Are you supposed to still be here?" Kenzie asked from besides me.I smiled and gently bumped her shoulder.She smiled innocently at me before softly shoving my shoulder back.I closed my eyes again as I took a deep breath.

"I told you I'd never lie to you, no?" The Don asked speaking up but I ignored him.

"Phoenix say something please." The moon goddess said softly.

"You never told me." I whispered keeping my eyes closed.

"I know and I had so many opportunities to but Michael got in my head.He swore that you would never forgive me for ruining your life.That you would think every bad thing that happened was my fault." She said softly.I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her.

"He was wrong.I would have forgiven you if you were to tell me.If you would have just talked to me.If I hadn't have gotten kidnapped and ended up here you wouldn't have said a word." I said running a hand through my hair.

"It doesn't matter anymore Phoenix.It shouldn't change anything you have Alex." She whispered softly.

"No I had Alex.This changes everything-I have to tell him and I don't know how he's going to react.What am I supposed to do about Mateo?" I asked running a hand through my hair.

"I can fix this." She said softly.

"How?How can you possibly fix this years later?" I asked starting to lose my patience.

"Please Phoenix.I can change it back to normal.I can wipe everybody's minds so you won't remember any of this.I can put you and Mateo back together like you were supposed to be, I can make both of them your mate.Just tell me how to fix this." She pleaded.I closed my eyes tightly and released a deep breath.Nobody made a sound but I could feel everybody's eyes on me waiting for me to make a choice.I opened my eyes and slowly stood up before leaving the room.Nobody followed after me this time and I was thankful for that.I walked up the stairs and walked into the room I was going to be staying in before pulling off the dress and changing into pajamas they bought for me.I wiped the makeup off my face and slowly climbed into the bed.I turned my attention outside to see the clouds had gone away.A knock on the door caught my attention and I turned my head to face it.

"Come in." I mumbled weakly.The door slowly opened before Mateo stuck his head through the crack.

"Can I still come in?" He asked softly.I started at him for a while contemplating it before I slowly nodded my head.He released a breath like he was scared I was going to say no and stepped into the room keeping his hands behind his back.He used his foot to close the door and looked at me nervously.

"Your friend said she's staying with Luca tonight-they have a lot to talk about." He said taking a deep breath.

"Best friend and yeah I guess they do since he kind of tortured his mate." I said running a hand through my hair.

"I'm really sorry Phoenix." Mateo said softly.I turned my head away from him and took a deep breath.

"Why are you here?" I asked softly.

"I brought you something." He said nervously.

"What is it?" I asked turning to face him.He walked up to the bed and slowly brought his arms from around him showing he had a plate with a slice of the red velvet cake on it.He reached into his pocket and handed me a folded napkin.I unfolded it to see two forks wrapped up inside of it and they looked like they were more expensive than they should have been.

"I didn't even know they made all this fancy stuff." I mumbled keeping my eyes of the forks.I ran my finger over both of them and looked up at Mateo curiously.

"I brought two for only if you want me to stay.But I'll leave if you want." He rushed out.I bit my lip and patted the space besides me.He sat down and smiled brightly though it was clear he was trying to hide it.I handed him his fork before taking my own.We clinked our forks together -something we always used to do when we were little- and dug in.We finished after a while and he took my fork and put it on the plate with his before gently resting the plate on the ground.He turned to face me and took a deep breath.

"How are you?" He asked softly.As soon as he asked my tears started.I bit my lip to hold the tears in but they continued to fall anyways.I cried over everything- over being kidnapped and tortured for weeks, for missing my mate, for Alex not even really being my mate, for getting Kenzie kidnapped with me, for being lied to about something so heavy again, for my life not even really being my own, and for Mateo because I knew I loved him but I loved Alex too and there was no way I was going to be able to choose but I couldn't ask them both to be with me it was unfair to both of them.Mateo wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him.I slowly wrapped my arms around his torso as I rested my head on his chest and sobbed.He rubbed soothing circles on my back and softly kissed the top of my head.

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