Chapter 33~Happy

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These are the final chapters my loves.

I woke up with a small smile on my face as I looked between Alex and Mateo who were asleep on either side of me.

'Wanna go for a run?' I asked my wolf as I swiftly climbed out of the bed.

'Yes.' She yipped happily.I smiled and walked into the bathroom before brushing my teeth.Alex and Mateo were still asleep and I gently kissed the top of their heads before diving out of the window.I turned into my wolf just as I landed and gave my wolf full control letting her run free.I giggled at the baffled looks on the guards faces as she ran past them.

'How is Mateo alive?' She asked as she started to walk.

'Why does it matter?He's alive and that's what matter isn't it?' I asked frowning.

'Yeah he's our mate and him being alive is amazing but what if he did something stupid.' She said cautiously.

'Like what?' I asked softly.

'Like make a deal with the devil.' She said blankly.

'He wouldn't.' I denied shaking my head.

'Then how the hell is he alive?People don't die and just come back it takes some serious magic-powerful magic.′ She said bluntly.

'He wouldn't.' I repeated weakly as I chewed my bottom lip.

'How about you ask him?' She asked just as we came in front of the house.She gave me back control and I stalked up to the house.The guard at the door opened it recognizing me in my wolf form and I nodded my head in thanks before running up to my room.Alex and Mateo were sitting up as I entered the room.Their eyes landed on me and I turned back into my human form.They both looked me up and down hungrily making me smirk.I winked at them and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.They joined me and my supposed to be quick shower turned into a long steamy one.They took my hands in theirs as we walked out of the room together.

"Mateo how are you alive?" I asked stopping and making the boys stop.

"What do you mean?" He asked frowning.

"I mean you died in my arms so how are you alive?" I frowned crossing my arms over my chest.

"Why?Who have you been talking to?" He asked softly.I frowned and shook my head.

"Why won't you just tell me?" I countered.He walked up to me and gently took my face in his hands.

"I can't." He said leaning his forehead against mine.Alex was silently watching between the two of us.

"Tell me." I whispered.

"I was never dead.I faked it." He said softly.My breath hitched in my throat and I took a step away from him.

"What?" Alex asked speaking up.

"When the doctors finished the surgery my heart stopped and they thought I was dead so they left the room to go deliver the news but my heart started back up and I woke up.I saw you crying and I wanted so badly to come to you but I couldn't.I wanted to protect you before I came back.The plan was to go and look for anybody that had a hit on you.I got everybody except Viktor who you beat me to." He said softly.My jaw dropped slightly as I looked at him.He was staring back at me as if expecting a response but I couldn't get anything out.

"Why?" I croaked.He shut his eyes and slowly released a breath.

"I didn't want to put you in even more danger-I couldn't.I thought it'd be better if you thought I was dead." He whispered.

"Why couldn't you turn back?" Alex asked when he realized I wasn't going to respond.

"My human form still needed to heal so I just went around in my wolf form and you know what happens when your in your wolf form for to long." Mateo said keeping his eyes on me.

"It's too hard to turn back." Alex finished for him.Mateo nodded in response and worridly bit his lip.

"So are you mad at me?" He asked softly.I opened my mouth to respond and slowly closed it back realizing I didn't have an answer.

"No more secrets?" I asked looking between the two of them.

"No more." They said smiling at me.I took a deep breath and slowly nodded my head.

"Then I'm not mad." I said softly.Mateo smiled widely and gently kissed my lips before taking my hand in his again.Alex took my other one and we continued our journey to the kitchen.

"So Mateo and I have been talking." Alex said cautiously as I sat down at the table and him and Mateo started to make breakfast.

"About what?" I asked looking between the two of them.They looked at each other as I stood up and walked up to Mateo and slowly took the knife from his hand.Their eyes widened slightly and they tensed as they watched me.I rolled my eyes and turned my backs to them as I started to cut up the onions.

"Our lives are dangerous and we know that you won't leave us and we don't want you to but we need to do whatever it is that we can to make it safe for you." Alex started slowly.

"So we decided that anything with the packs or the mafia is going to be kept seperate from you and we don't want you fighting anymore." Mateo finished from him.My hand froze as their words sank in.

"But she's good at it." Kenzie said walking in the kitchen with Luca and the Don behind her.

"We know but we can't risk her getting hurt you know?" Alex said softly and it was clear he was talking to me.I slowly released a breath and turned my attention back to the onions.

"Well it was just a thought we aren't going to force her into doing anything." Mateo said as I turned around to face them.I slowly ran my fingers through my hair as I looked between all of them.

"Fine but if something happens to a point where anybody in this room needs to get their hands bloody I want in." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Deal." Alex and Mateo said smiling brightly.They wrapped their arms around me and I couldn't help but smile a little.

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