Chapter 31~Adjusting

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I woke up the next morning and spent half the day with Alex and the other half with Mateo.

"Your glowing." Kenzie said taking my hand in hers as we walked into the kitchen.

"I'm happy." I said giving her a cheesy smile.She playfully nudged me and giggled.

"So what's it like?" She asked grabbing water from the fridge and throwing one at me.

"Having two mates?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah." She said sitting next to me.

"Interesting.I mean I guess it helps that they get along." I said softly.

"So they've both marked you?" She asked biting her lip nervously.

"Yeah.Kenzie are you okay?" I asked turning to face her.

"I want Luca to mark me." She blurted out looking at the ground.

"Okay." I said shrugging.

"Just okay?" She asked looking up at me.

"Yeah.If he makes you happy then go for it." I said giving her a small smile.

"After what he did are you sure?" She asked softly.

"Kenzie I get why he did what he did.I'm not mad at him truth be told if I just listened from day one it would have never gotten that far.He's your mate which is okay too and he makes you happy which makes it even better.I'm happy for you." I said taking her hands in mine.She smiled and wrapped her arms tightly around me in a hug before getting up and leaving the room.I frowned as I got the feeling I was being watched and looked around the room.A hand flew to my throat and I felt a needle peirce my skin.

"Miss me?" A russian voice asked turning me around.My eyes widened as I took in the sight of the russian I tortured.

"What did you do to me?" I asked feeling my eyelids get heavy.

"I'll explain when you wake up." He said softly.

"I'm sick and tired of being kidnapped." I mumbled just as I passed out.

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes and looked around a dark room.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake." The same voice that took me said stepping into the room.

"Who are you?" I asked trying to untie the rope without making it noticebale.

"My name is Dimitri and you killed my father." He growled grabbing my hair and tilting my head up.

"Screw you and your father." I spat.He chuckled angrily and tightened his grip on my hair.

"Don't push your luck." He growled.

"How long have I been here?" I asked ignoring him.

"You've been unconscious for a month.You almost woke up when we were in the van so I tripled the dosage." He said studying me.

"No I haven't you took me last night." I said shaking my head.

"Which one of us were unconscious the whole time?" He growled rolling his eyes.He wrapped his hand around my throat and I watched as anger danced around his eyes until they turned blank again.He took a step back letting go of my neck and I gasped for air.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I whispered looking up at him.He frowned and looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"Come closer." I said gesturing for him to come closer.He looked at me skeptically but came closer anyways.

"What?" He asked again.

"I'm going to break out and then I'm going to kill you." I said smirking.He chuckled and pulled back but the smile dropped off of his face when he noticed how serious I was.He stood up and walked out of the room slamming the door behind him.

'Are you okay?' I asked mindlinking my wolf.

'Yes.' She responded.

'Okay enough to escape?" I asked looking around the room.There was a camera in the back corner of the room and I could see shadows under the door so I knew there were guards outside of it.The windows were taped up so I couldn't see outside and there was a wooden bed behind me.

'Yes.The ropes aren't dipped in wolfsbane so the worst thing we'll get is rug burn just be ready.' She said softly.

'There's a camera in the corner of the room.I need to find a dark spot.' I said slowly turning my head to look at it.It was facing me and the red light was on.

'You can freeze the frame.' She said.I took a deep breath and turned my hands to my body so they couldn't see them and snapped.I bit down hard on my lip to hold in a scream as I started to pull against the rope.

'Somebody's coming hurry up.' She growled in my head.I took a deep breath and pulled hard snapping the rope.I took the chair and put it in a dark corner of the room before sneaking behind the door just as it opened.Dimitri stepped in and closed the door behind him.I watched as he walked further into the room and towards the chair.I felt my anger buid up and I jumped on his back and wrapped the rope around his neck.

"I warned you." I growled as I tightened the rope.He threw his head back and hit me in my nose making me groan in pain.He threw his head back again lossening my grip and I fell on to the ground.I heard him gasp in air before he climbed on top of me and started to punch me repeadetly.His hands went to my neck and he started to squeeze.My eyes began watering as I fought for air.I reached up and hit his face but he just moved his head to the side and started to squeeze harder.

'THE BED.' My wolf screamed in my head.I started to feel around until my hand touched the beds leg.I hit the leg as hard as I could and heard it crack.His eyes widened as he looked at it.I picked up the wooden peice and swung it across his face before he could duck.He fell off of me and I turned over as I gasped for air.I stood up and started to kick him in his stomach over and over.

"Now you get to die just like your father." I growled ripping my hand through his chest.His eyes widened as I wrapped my hand around his heart.He opened his mouth to say something but I pulled his heart out before he could.I took a deep breath and dropped the heart on top of his body.

'This is a human hotel you need to burn everything or you'll have the police looking for you.' My wolf said as I looked around the room.I snapped my fingers setting his body on fire.I could hear gunshots going off and I smiled weakly as I walked up to the door.My smile dropped as the door opened to reveal one of Dimitri's guards.He looked between me and Dimitri's burning body before pulling his gun out.

'Try using his emotions against him.' My wolf growled in my head.I took a step away from him as my eyes filled with tears.

"I just want to go home." I pleaded as he cocked the gun.He smirked and slowly looked me up and down before shooting me in my stomach.I dropped to my knees as my hands flew to my stomach.

'The bullet is laced with wolfsbane.' My wolf growled weakly.He walked further into the room and closed the door.

"I wonder what it's like to have sex in a burning room." He grinned walking towards me.He pushed me down and climbed on top of me.

"Get off of me you pig." I growled fighting against him.His eyes filled with anger and he pushed his finger into the bullet hole making me scream in pain.He kept pushing his finger in while unbuttoning my pants.My vision started to get dark and I weakly tried to push him off of me making him press harder.The gunshots stopped and I heard the door burst open but before I could look to see who it was I was welcomed by darkness.

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