Chapter Seven

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The trip back was not as quiet as the trip there, but you could still hear a pin drop. Captain Rogers was the only one who got severely hurt, and it was just a grazed bullet in his side. Of course he still got an ear full from Nat and Mr. Stark, but Mr. Stark was mostly just trying to get his anger out.

He still wasn't very happy about 'Wanda letting me free', and he couldn't shoot anything in the jet without it leading to us falling, so he settled for yelling at the injured Captain. Nat was yelling because Captain Rogers was one of her friends and was saying, and I quote, "you absolute moron" about half the time. I almost felt bad for him. Almost.

We got back to the tower and Wanda walked with me back to the room I was staying in. Or at least tried to. Mr. Stark caught Wanda by her elbow before we could get too far from the hanger. "We should talk...alone," Mr. Stark said, his gaze moving to me when he said the last word.

I looked at Wanda and nodded, starting to walk away. "It's fine. I'll find Agent Lambert and we'll head back to my room," I said. Before I was able to here Wanda's response, I just walked away.  Mr. Stark was more important than I was, so she needed to talk to him. More likely than not it would be about how she claimed to have let me out of my restraints. And then more likely than not she'd come to me right after to ask me how I actually got out.

Back in my room, there really wasn't much to do. I didn't want to just lay down, nor did I want to try and explore. Director Fury and Agent Lambert would never let that happen. My mind and my eyes drifted over to the nightstand where the journal was.

"Now's the best time," I muttered to myself. So, with the help of my crutches, I walked over to the nightstand and went through the process of grabbing the journal. I just threw it onto the bed so I could walk around and place it on the bed easier.

Once I sat on the bed, journal in front of me, I let out a sharp breath. My mind opened up to the possibilities of this being found and read out, my secrets being discovered, and any chance of gaining the teams' trust being tossed out the damn window.

I shook my head. No, they would never do that. They may not like me, but they should at least respect me and what little privacy I have. Or, more likely, Wanda and Nat would hold the team back.

Whatever. I opened the journal to the next open page and grabbed the pencil on the desk. God, where to start.

Day 2

Chére Journal,

Today was...well, interesting? I guess that's a good word to use.

To start my day, I got up at 4:30 and decided to go to the gym to work out. There was nothing better for me to do, so why not? That's how I found out that I had a babysitter/agent named Lambert. Very French. He had French relatives, so I guess that's good to know. We might be able to have small talk now.

After the Director gave me access to the gym, I was able to work on my arm and ab strength. As I finished Captain Rogers came in...we had an awkward run in but I just left. If I'm being honest, I'm terrified of him and Mr. Stark. It's not just them and what they can do, it's just the fact that they have so much power over me.

Well, after my run in with the Captain, I was told the team had to go out on a mission. And of course, nobody trusted me to be out and "free" in the tower. Mr. Stark wanted to keep me locked in a cell, while Wanda and Nat trusted me to be in my room. In the end I was brought along and chained into the jet.

Well maybe not 'chained', but sort of. Captain Rogers had strapped me in and restrained my ankles, and then after a small argument between him and Wanda, Mr. Stark ended up also restraining my hands. He was hesitant at first, getting near me and everything, but I just looked at the ground and let him.

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