Kissing in front of others

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* He doesn't have any problem with it
* Other than getting very blushy and stuttering
* Since astral is always around watching anyway
* But he gets all smiley and happy

* Couldn't care less about what other people think
* You do though
* Will grab you and kiss you in front of others just because he wants a kiss
* Although it's a little awkward when the barians are watching
* "Hahaha get some Nash!"
* "Alito!"

* You gotta be careful
* Because no kissing in front of Hart or Faker
* In fact he gets oddly shy if you kiss him in front of others
* Even in front of his friends
* You gave him a lil kiss on the cheek in front of the arclights and he couldn't move
* "Woah... is Kite emoting?"

* Shyyyyy
* She's still a little scared in case her friends still don't accept your relationship
* She hadn't actually told them
* And you were just happy to see her so you gave her a little kiss
* Everyone screamed
* "Ohh that's what you wanted to tell us"
* Cathy is so excited she thinks she has a chance with Yuma now

* You were in her room
* Lying on the bed and cuddling
* She started to kiss you
* Pretty confidently
* Dumon walked in
* "Hey Marin what do want for dinne- WHAT IS GOING ON"
* She threw her shoe at him
* You couldn't face Dumon for months afterwards

* Yuma was at school, Haru at a reunion, yall had the whole house to yourselves
* Kissing on the sofa
* Yuma gets home from school
* Won't stop kissing you to say this

* You had a day off
* Halleluja
* Date night :))))
* Watching a movie together
* Dextra was trying to be more forward
* So she wraps her arms around you without you having to ask and starts to kiss your cheek
* You kiss her on the lips
* She doesn't stop
* Nistro wants to watch the movie
* Stops dead in his tracks
* Gets glared at
* She tries to hide you
* No one gets to see your flushed expression except her

* He won a little duel against Yuma
* And he was really happy like "YEAHHHHH" happy
* Gave you a really confident kiss in front of everyone who had been watching the duel
* Him and Yuma were like "YEAHHHHHHH"
* Dextra comforted you because you were so embarrassed

* You were round for lunch
* It was also like a lil reunion lunch
* So Faker, Kite, Hart, Kazuma, Mira, Kari and Yuma were there too
* He was happy to see you and kissed you when he thought you were alone
* Hart was just trying to get a cookie
* "What are you doing?"
* You were both mortified
* "You can take two cookies if you don't tell Kite"
* Trey never recovered

* No shame
* Ever
* Kisses you in front of people anyway
* But you were walking together and some of his fans started flirting with him
* You were maD
* So you kissed him in front of them all
* Everyone was shoCked

* You went shopping together
* Didn't know Yuma and his friends would be there too (this included Trey)
* He kissed you for two seconds
* Just two seconds
* "AYYYYYYY" Yuma yelLed
* "I didn't take you for that type Quinton" Tori gigglEd at you
* You were embarrassed but he wasn't
* "You'll understand when you're older"
* Trey is dead

* Very particular about his kisses
* He can be a little demanding sometimes but not always
* It was very early morning in the Barian house
* He loves your morning expression
* Said good morning and kissed you
* Until you heard Alito and Girag giggling
* Gave them washing up duty

* You got caught by your friends
* You were with them round their house
* They were being all lovey and he didn't like it so you sat behind the sofa
* More confident back there and he was horNy from seeing that
* So he starts kissing you
* "Uhhh do yall want the rest of the pizza"
* He was fine with responding "we're busy"
* You couldn't face them at alL

* He had a nightmare about Don thousand and he screAmed so you woke up
* And he had a really bad headache from it
* You were massaging his head and kissed him a bit because it makes him feel better and loved
* The door was open
* Shark was runNing there like "why tf did you scream are you serious"
* He just stands there like
* "I'll close the door for you"
* Vector didn't really care he got cuddles and affection from you anyway
* He always kisses you all over your face
* And on your lips obviously
* He gets all shy about it though
* Yuma cheers him on which makes him really confident
* You get all shy
* Which makes him want to do it more

* You were walking on a nice sunny day
* Doesn't even need to acknowledge the other person
* "Not now" he'll say
* And keep kissing you
* You don't even have time to react before the other person runs away
* He knows how to use those muscles

Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now