When you do something cute

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* You and Yuma had been walking around the woods near the duel sanctuary
* And you'd found the lake
* Since it was a hot day you both decided to play in the lake
* But when you were finished it was very cold so he gave you his jacket to keep warm while you walked home
* He didn't really notice the implications until he looked at you and saw you snuggling into his jacket
* Hes blushing bright pink and immediately gets the urge to cuddle you
* He holds your hand and tries to hide his face
* Insisting that it was nothing
* But he couldn't stop looking at you all bundled up in his jacket

* You were just sitting on the sofa, watching a horror movie
* And he's definitely scared but he's not gonna show that in front of everyone
* But then he felt you grab his arm and wrap it around you so you could hide
* And if he were standing he would have kneeled over
* Is so thankful that it's dark because he's gone soooo red
* He holds you tighter and focuses on you beside him instead of the movie for the rest of the evening

* He thinks everything you do is cute, he's so deprived of any sort of romantic contact that he adores everything you do
* Even if he has the facial expression of a wooden plank, inside he's always admiring you
* You were taking Hart to the park on this day, and Kite was coming along since he didn't have any other work to do
* He watched you playing with Hart and making flower crowns and he dropped all his Uwu's
* He's blushing
* He wants to take pictures
* He can't form a sentence look what you did

* Its really fun to tease her
* And it's even funnier because she thinks everything you do is cute
* You were in class with her and you wrote a note on a paper airplane
* You flew it her way and she opened it
* It just said "I love you" and when she looked at you, you made a heart with your fingers
* Tori.exe has stopped working
* She couldn't concentrate on anything
* She couldn't stop smiling either she just lost it completely

* You had woken up in the barian house and decided to put on one of her shirts to go downstairs in
* And while getting some breakfast ready with Dumon, you and Alito started dancing together
* So Rio came downstairs to see you dancing in one of her shirts
* She just giggles at you
* "Is that my shirt?"
* The Barians probably spat out their drinks
* She hurried over to you and held you in a hug bragging to them about how cute you are
* And she definitely takes pictures of you to look at later

* You were doing your usual, curdling while working together
* And you fell asleep on her
* Normally she wouldn't react but you we pressed right up against her and holding one of her hands in your sleep
* And she was so torn between waking you up and lecturing you or letting you sleep
* Because you were too gosh darn cute

* You were both walking together outside in the summer
* And a butterfly came over to you
* You got very excited and it landed on your finger
* We all know she likes butterflies, and to see you getting so excited about one is like heaven for her
* She takes so many rushed pictures
* Most of them are blurry but that's okay

* He thinks everything you do is cute
* Whenever he sees you he always calls you cute
* Even doing the smallest things he will lift you into the air and hug you
* But he gets very flustered sometimes when you point out how often he calls you cute
* But you could do the smallest thing and he's a goner

* You had decided to wear his jacket for the day
* And you had gone out shopping
* You sent him a picture of you having a tea break in his jacket
* He knew you were wearing it, he didn't want to say anything because he thought you looked amazing
* And the fact that you sent him a photo of yourself in it too
* He went so pink and was giggling to himself
* He showed it to everyone
* He wanted everyone to know he had the cutest girlfriend
* Honestly he couldn't stop fawning over you when you got home
* He just wanted to cuddle you all day

* Quattro is usually the one to initiate affection because that's just the kind of guy he is
* So when you initiate affection with him he absolutely loses it
* His face will go red but he will always insist it's no big deal and that he doesn't care
* All you'd have to do is hold your hand and he's a blushing stuttering mess because he thinks it's so cute
* Bonus points if you do it while he's in a bad mood
* He will not be quiet about it either

* If you do something cute towards him or around him he won't usually react in front of you
* He'll just smile and say "that's cute" or "you look very cute"
* And then as soon as he's alone his heart will start beating really fast and he won't be able to stop blushing or thinking about whatever you did

* You and Vetrix were eating ice cream together
* And you got some on your nose by accident and he was laughing at you
* So you swiped some of his and put it on his nose
* He stopped laughing and just stared for a moment before giggling at you again
* This time with a blush on his cheeks
* He definitely told people about it afterwards
* And tried to get more ice cream on your face after he composed himself again

* You were reading together when he dropped a book
* And you both reached for it at the same time, which made your hands touch
* And he's very flustered by small things like that, which is part of the reason why he doesn't initiate pda often because he's not used to it
* And he drew back, getting embarrassed
* So you laughed at him, which made his case worse because he thought your laugh was so cute
* He got kind of pouty with you
* And tried to hide his face
* He doesn't quite understand what you being cute does to him, but he enjoys it

* He saw you wearing his fancy shirt
* The one with the wings on it
* And pretending to be him with your galaxy eyes
* And he went on a whole face journey like that kombucha girl
* But decides to be smooth about it despite being quite flustered by your adorable attempts at imitating him
* He pulls you close from behind and whispers in your ear about how you look cute in his shirt
* And he kisses your cheek and neck, trying to make you the more flustered one

* Whenever he sees you doing something cute he either laughs at you to hide his flustered face or he will film every second of it
* And show it to absolutely everyone
* Because everyone needs to know he has the best girlfriend
* There are hearts and stars in his eyes when he talks about all the times you've been cute
* And he will not shut up about any time you're cute to the other barians
* He's always so impressed by how adorable you are and what it does to him
* He's usually the cute one, at least to everyone else's standard, but in his eyes you're the cutest thing he's ever seen
* And he loves it when you wear cute outfits
* And when you do he just
* Ray.exe has overheated
* It's his dream seeing you all cute
* You're the cutest couple
* Pure saturated sunshine

* He had gotten you roses
* As usual
* And this time you put one in your hair
* This boy couldn't even walk straight he thought you were so adorable
* All he wants to do is kiss you
* He'll make up a story about how in his time if a lady puts a flower from her boyfriend in her hair then you're bonded forever
* And he'll try to be princely about you being cute, but he ends up giggling and blushing and stuttering

Hey hey hey :) I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and I hope you enjoyed this scenario, please feel free to request a scenario or new characters, requests are always open and accepted! Thank you for all the reads and comments! I'm working through requests as quick as I can :)) Stay safe and healthy, we are working for a better and brighter future ❤️

Thank you @Sakura_mochidesu for the request

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