What you get each other for birthdays

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* What he got you: One of those "100 reasons why I love you" boxes
* This was absolutely Astral or Tori's idea
* He couldn't for the life of him think of something to get
* What you got him: A little Kuriboh plushie
* He hugs it every evening when he sleeps
* He says it reminds him of you

* What he got you: A necklace with a purple gem
* Rio helped him pick it but he knew that's what he wanted to give to you
* He has the biggest smile on his face when you wear it
* What you got him: matching rings
* He had been telling you about the matching rings he shared with Rio
* And he wanted something like that with you so you bought them for his birthday
* He always wears it, even to sleep

* What he got you: it wasn't really a gift, more like a really romantic night out
* He took you to the field he lived near when he was younger and there were candles and a movie all set up
* It was very romantic and sweet
* What you got him: A dragon toy
* It started out as a joke because he'd always talking about his galaxy eyes dragon
* But he secretly loves it
* And keeps it beside him wherever he goes
* It's his good luck charm

* What she got you: Flowers
* A whoLe bouquet of flowers
* Like those pretty expensive ones
* She gave them to you in school
* Everyone stared but that's fineee
* What you got her: a new hair ribbon
* She needed a new one and it was the perfect opportunity
* She always wears the one you got her somewhere on her body
* Either in her hair or around her wrist

* What she got you: a penguin plushie
* A massive one
* Like one of those the size of a Costco bear
* So you can always hug it when she's not around
* What you got her: An engraved heart locket
* With both your names on it
* And it has a picture of both of you inside so she can always look at it if she's upset
* And she does and it always cheers her up

* What she got you: Matching bracelets
* She doesn't wear jewellery but she was so excited to show you this
* She always wears it and when you're apart she'll send you pictures of her wearing it
* What you got her: Coffee chocolates
* She loves her coffee
* And it felt good to spoil her with the chocolates
* Even better if you made them yourself

* What she got you: A potted plant
* Something you can take care of
* You named it after her
* And it really holds a sense of accomplishment when it starts to bloom
* What you got her: a kitten
* You both had the idea of getting each other something to look after
* And the cat starts acting exactly like her
* But it's great for both of you having a pet around

* What he got you: A puppy :))
* He burst through the door one day holding this puppy with the biggest smile on his face
* Saying it was for your birthday
* Looking after the dog together really brings you closer
* What you got him: A fun day out
* Not exactly a gift but he was so excited
* You went to an amusement park, had dinner at a restaurant, ended the day with a movie and a nice stroll through the park
* You ended up playing together at a park till one am ish
* You both enjoyed it very much

* What he got you: A massive canvas filled with pictures of you and him, and all of your friends too
* You put it up in your room
* He was very proud of himself that you liked it
* What you got him: A trip to a museum and books about cronomaly items
* He was so happy to see it all
* He was buzzing the whole day because he loves all that stuff
* And very thankful

* What he got you: So many things, flowers, jewellery, pictures, he would have bought you a car if he wanted to
* He really wanted to convey how much he loves you with everything he got
* And he was so excited to see your face when you opened everything
* What you got him: a puppy :))
* You found out from Byron that he used to have a dog that he absolutely adored when he was young
* So you found out the breed and went and got it for him
* You both look after the dog like it's your own child
* He was so happy he nearly cried

* What he got you: A star projector
* One of those really pretty ones that makes you room look like space
* Cuddling with him while it's on is so relaxing
* What you get him: A day out in a planetarium
* You're friends with one of the people who work in a local planetarium so you asked if you could go in there while it's closed to the public
* And they let you
* So you got the whole day to explore with him inside the planetarium and he loved it

* What he got you: A music box
* It plays your favourite song
* And it's one that you crank to make it work
* And it's very sentimental
* What you got him: History books
* You found a bunch of books about the time near when he used to live
* And one book had his legend in it
* He reads it every day
* He loves it so much

* What he got you: He brought you to a lantern releasing
* One that was happening on your birthday
* It was absolutely magical
* What you got him: a dragon toy hehe
* He loves his galaxy eyes
* He takes it everywhere
* And he named it after you

* What he got you: Those matching necklaces that make a heart
* He found out they were a thing the day he got them
* And every time he sees you he runs over to you so you can make the heart together
* It's his new favourite thing
* What you got him: Hoodiesssss
* And also a day out in a local market
* So he could explore and try new earthy things and foods while also being warm
* What he got you: Matching bracelets
* One has the moon, one the sun, he has the sun one
* He waves it at you when he sees you
* What you got him: Those lantern lights that light up when you touch them
* So when you're apart you have a way of contacting each other
* He lights it up a lot though so be careful

* What he got you: The most romantic man on all planets got you a loT like roses, perfumes, and plushies
* But the most important thing was a promise ring
* It says "I love you" on the band and has your favourite flower on it
* What you got him: You decided to take a page out of his book and surprise him with a romantic dinner
* Rose petals and candles everywhere
* His favourite food too
* The smile on his face was sooooo big

Hey hey hey :) I hope you enjoyed this scenario, please feel free to request a scenario or new characters, requests are always open and accepted! Thank you for all the reads! Stay safe and healthy, we are working for a better and brighter future ❤️

Thank you @Fairy_Diamond_34 for the request

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