When they meet your family

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* Boy was so nervous about meeting your parents
* He wasn't so worried about meeting siblings because he's very good at getting along with people around your age and a little older or younger
* But the paRents
* Kept asking if he could duel your parents to get their respect
* Was up all night with Haru who was teaching him some etiquette
* Kept calling your father "dude"
* Astral kept giving him pointers and keeping him in check but all in all it was fairly successful
* Your parents loved his charismatic personality and how goofy he was

* He was nervous but only because he was afraid your parents would tell him he couldn't date you anymore
* He didn't really care what other people thought of him, only what you thought
* He tried to be as polite as possible
* Bringing in his whole King Nash manners
* You have to tell him not to be too sarcastic
* He is a little bit but is very respectful to your parents and thanks them for food if you both stay for dinner
* Your father takes him to a separate room for like a two hour conversation and shark comes out a near changed man
* He's just super happy your parents agree with your relationship

* Kites people skills are questionable
* He's very loving and nice to people he knows, you, Hart, Quinton etc but he can be very distrusting of new people
* That goes for your family too
* Your parents arranged a nice dinner and invited Kite so they could meet him
* With younger siblings he'd be absolutely fine with interacting with, having had experience from looking after Hart
* Older siblings he respects, having interacted with Quinton too who is like an older brother to him
* He shakes your parents' hands and talks nicely and they have conversations about work and how Kite has been treating you
* Your mother falls in love with him a bit lowkey

* She has good people skills, she yelled at the barians, she's not afraid of anyoNe
* Your parents can get along with her instantly
* And they like that she's not particularly into duelling because it can be very dangerous
* And that she supports you and your studies
* You all have afternoon tea together and Tori helps your parents cook
* That's when they really bond
* They can just tell she's treating you right

* She wasn't nervous at all
* In fact pretty excited
* She's prepared everything to say and got a whole list of things ready to talk about should things get awkward
* Your parents are very impressed by her amazing athletic skills
* And siblings too, she's so fun to play with
* And they love how mature she is when it comes to looking after you
* They love how she treats you like a princess

* Tried to be confident but was actually really nervous
* Your parents didn't like that you moved out to live with her, since you're both old enough to get your own apartment and such
* She dressed in her very best to make a good impression
* "Do I look good?" "You always look good" "but do I look goOd?"
* Was very quick to settle any money questions your parents had
* Was very respectful when asking to be alone with you

* Calm
* She doesn't have any problems
* If your parents don't like her she's fine with that, as long as you love her
* In fact they're very interesting in her work managing Nistro
* And being semi famous as his manager yaknow
* They know she can support you financially so it's not that big of a deal
* On the way home though she said how nervous she was and how relieved she is that they approve of her

* Super excited
* You were more nervous than he was
* "I finally get to meet my baby's parents!!!!"
* Super hyped up but as soon as your parents open the door he gets very nervous
* You have to hold his hand and comfort him before he gets his confidence back
* He gets along so well with your siblings you're almost jealous
* Your parents love his sense of humour
* Even if it took a while for them to warm up to him
* Once he got his spirit back he was soooo loveable

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