When you compliment their eyes

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You stared quietly into their eyes. A small smile formed on your lips. "Your eyes are so gorgeous to look at."

* The way his eyes absolutely lit up
* His spirit absolutely soars when you compliment any part of him
* But his eyes? GoSh he loves it when you compliment his eyes because they're red and special
* His smile?? It could light up the world
* He can't stop smiling and blushing
* This boy got told off in class because he was thinking about you complimenting him and he wasn't paying attention

* "WhAt eyEs whAt shuT uP"
* He got all blushy and flustered
* Shark.exe has run into a problem because he doesn't know how to take compliments
* He wants to compliment you back but every time he opens his mouth he just goes tsundere mode
* He's a little nervous too
* This boys going to go the whole week hyping himself up because you complimented his eyes

* He isn't really effected but he is happy you like his eyes
* Because he can't really change them unless he wears coloured contacts or something which he doesn't really want to
* He really does his best to show you how much he appreciates the compliment
* While he's working with Quinton, Quinton notices he has this dreamy expression on his face because he's thinking about you
* He blushes every time he looks at you
* He's really not used to compliments
* He just malfunctions a bit every time he thinks about it
* *Cue Kite sitting there pouring tea into a full cup so it spills everywhere because he's so distracted thinking about you complimenting him*

* It would start a "no u" argument
* "Tori you have beautiful eyes"
* "No, YOU have beautiful eyes"
* "No.... u"
* "No u"
* "nO-"
* As the argument goes on she casually wraps her arms around you and you end up snuggling together
* The no u's could go on forever

* She might not blush but she'd smile so wide
* She'd put her hands over your cheeks and give you little kisses everywhere on your face
* She would hug you really tightly and kiss your forehead
* And now she's not gonna let you go
* Her hearts going:
* 🥺💖✨👉👈🥺💖✨
* She's giggling a lot too

* She doesn't usually turn down any of your compliments unless she's super busy with work
* Which means when you compliment her eyes you're gonna get lots of head pats and little kisses
* Though she won't turn into a giggling mess or anything, she will smile at you and thank you
* But she loves when you compliment her out of the blue like this
* It just makes all her stress go away

* She finds it so endearing that you want to compliment her at all
* Unfortunately she sometimes gets too shy around you to compliment you back
* And she hasn't been complimented much before so she doesn't know exactly how to return your compliment
* But she'll be extra affectionate with you that day
* She'll rest her hand on your thigh
* When you complimented her it felt like all her worries just went away
* If you love any part of her she feels like she's good enough for the day

* He's gotta love you
* He has a love hate relationship with his eyes because they're blue-purple and the rest of him is fiery and red
* But when you compliment his eyes all the thoughts of wanting to change their colour changes
* He pulls you closer to him and locks his arms around you
* He stares at you
* And softly kisses your face
* Telling you how much he loves your eyes and the rest of your features too

* Your relationship is full of compliments
* Trey always compliments you but it never fails to make him flustered whenever you return the compliment
* So when you're lying down together and in each other's embrace and you compliment him his eyes go wide
* And he smiles brightly
* He kisses you every two seconds
* He can't stop
* And his face is so red
* This boy will spend hours talking in detail about everything he loves about you 

* He does love himself but sometimes he has trouble accepting his scar
* He hates the origins behind it and every time he looks in the mirror and sees it he wants to wear an eyepatch to cover it or find some other way to get rid of it
* But one day you and him were sitting together and watching a movie when he notices you staring at him
* That's when you told him you loves his eyes
* And he just: 😤💖🥰✨👌
* He just crashes himself into you
* And hugs you around the middle
* He buries his face in your stomach
* That compliment makes him feel like he's on top of the world

* Whenever you compliment him he usually just smiles at you
* And kisses your hand or cheek and says "thank you dear"
* If he's in a particularly good mood he'll give you a hug and compliment you back
* But after this compliment he spends hours thinking up a perfect response
* He thinks of a bunch of metaphors to say to make his response sound even nicer
* He's going to be in his office trying to stop his heart pounding while his cheeks heat up
* He'll be thinking about this compliment for hours

* Whenever you compliment him he usually just laughs it off
* Because half his face is covered by a mask
* But you can always see both his eyes
* And it just feels extra special for him when you compliment his eyes
* He can't stop giggling at you
* Not even out of amusement, out of being flustered and happy
* It makes him comfortable enough around you to take off his mask in your presence

* You often spend evening together in front of the fire place after everyone else has gone to sleep
* He wraps an arm around you and you read a book together
* He's become more comfortable with physical affection around you, especially in private
* So you were bundled up together in front of the fire and you complimented his eyes
* You could feel his shoulders tense
* And a pink blush cover his cheeks
* He smiled and looked away
* He's all embarrassed
* But his arm tightens around you and he leans his head on top of yours as thanks

* It was a warm day one summer
* So you and Mizar were lounging outside together
* Just sitting with each other and enjoying each other's company
* And the sun came out from behind a cloud which reflected in Mizar's eyes
* And they made his eyes just shine
* That's when you complimented him
* His head snapped towards you and he couldn't stop just staring
* He left so lucky but he went a bit tsundere
* He grumbled a little and took your hand to bring you inside
* So he could sit with you in private and shower you with affection without anyone else looking

* Vector absolutely loves whenever you even mention complimenting him
* He loves how you can make him feel so loved
* When you do compliment his eyes when you're sitting together one day he needs a hot minute
* He tries to play it cool but his head is entirely filled with your words
* He slowly moves over to you so he's sitting next to you and clinging to your arm
* He'd brag for days to the other Barian's about how you complimented his eyes and how special and lucky he felt

* He's goNe
* He's absolutely besotted with you
* He probably gets so flustered that he falls over
* Gosh he smiles so wide all day
* And he happily explains why whenever someone asks why he seems so happy that day

* You and Alito were walking in a park one day
* And you saw a flower on the ground
* You picked it up and held it to his face and told him it looked like his eyes
* Then you complimented his eyes
* His eyes widen and he gets so cuddly
* He's gonna get so handsy
* He especially loves that you complimented him in public too
* Which also means he has no trouble showering you with affection in front of anyone else in the park
* And he makes sure everyone knows you have a cute relationship
* Sometimes when you're lying in bed together he'll ask you to repeat the compliment

I hope everyone is well and enjoyed this chapter! 💖💖
Thank you for reading!
Requests are always open and accepted, I'm working through them as best I can 💖
Stay safe and healthy, we are working for a better and brighter future 💖
Thank you FuckingCasual  for the request and for the lovely prompt! 💖

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