When you sing/watch the Hamilton musical

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* I feel like he's definitely heard Hamilton
* He has act one Alexander energy
* You were in your room singing to it and the moment he hears that opening music he's gonna burst through those doors and sing with you
* Yes you have a "helpless" duet
* "As long as I'm alive (y/n), swear to god you'll never be so helpless" 
* You pair all your friends to the Hamilton characters
* He thinks your singing is gorgeous and always will be
* He tries to get everyone to sing "my shot" with him

* He doesn't know the entire musical but he's heard Rio singing it before
* One day he heard you and Rio singing "The Schuyler sisters" together
* And you were dancing too
* And he just (`_')ゞ♡
* Because he loves seeing you enjoying yourself but its also loud
* You make him say the "and Peggy" likes
* And he sulks the whole time while you and Rio are performing the whole musical together
* And he will sit there and comply because he loves you and he wants you to be happy but he will be frowning the whole time

* Sing "It's quiet uptown" and he will actually cry
* You like singing "Dear Theadosia" to Hart to help him get to sleep
* He picks up on a few of the lyrics and would go with you to see it if you wanted to
* He's always impressed by your voice
* He likes Burr's character and he's kind of sad he ended up being the villain
* But yeah don't sing it's quiet uptown or he will cry in front of you

* She's for sure a musical fan
* So she definitely knows Hamilton
* When she hears you singing it she gasps
* And also blushed a lot because wowie you're good at singing
* She's your biggest fan
* Sometimes you quote lyrics of the songs to each other and everyone else is very confused
* Tori: Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?
* (Y/N): That depends, whose asking?
* Bronk: B-But you're (y/n)!

* You and Rio were doing homework together while your playlist played in the background
* And a song from Hamilton came on
* So you started singing without even knowing
* It was "take a break"
* When the Angelica and Eliza duet came up she started singing Angelica's part and you both had this moment where you just looked at each other and kept singing
* Eventually you both just got up and started belting it out together
* The other people in the house are concerned
* She always asks you to sing the songs with you because she thinks your voice is fitting for all the roles
* Whenever you finish a song she always kisses you and compliments your voice

* The two of you were in the car
* And since the Hamilfilm came out the songs have been playing on the radio
* You sang the song that came on
* It was "satisfied"
* And when you did the rap she was very impressed
* Like realLY impressed
* She says you should challenge Yuma to do it just to put him in his place
* She's so proud of you

* She was frustrated because of Nistro and his intense energy
* So when she came home you could tell that he was tired
* She rested her head on your shoulder and asked you to sing her something nice
* So you sang "that would be enough" to her
* And it immediately calmed her down
* Of course she loves your singing too
* And she likes the song, she wants you to sing it to her more
* She doesn't know the musical, only that one song you sang to her

* He was a little nervous before a duel one day
* So he wanted you to sing to him to calm him down
* So you sing "the story of tonight" to him to try and relax him
* You were kind of nervous because you weren't sure if he'd understand the song
* But it relaxed him anyway
* And he cuddled up to you while you sang
* Honestly he probably talks about how you sing to him so his other opponents know about it
* And one of them told him it was from the musical
* Now he wants to go and see it with you

* Trey definitely knows the musical
* He's probably seen it a few times
* Him and his family sitting in one of those private boxes
* So even if you start humming a tune from one of the songs he knows it
* You sometimes sing "that would be enough" together
* It really cheers him up
* And sometimes he just dozes off to you singing the softer songs
* You sing Helpless together too
* He doesn't like Alexander because of the affair but he also defends Mariah

* Wants to be Alexander, is really Thomas Jefferson
* He secretly wants to act out "say no to this" with you, but you say no
* His face absolutely lights up whenever you sing a song from Hamilton
* He likes trying to rap the songs but he can't really do it so it's quite funny
* He's very good at singing though
* He cries at the last song

* Sometimes when hes doing paper work into the night you sit with him
* And you were listening to the Hamilton soundtrack
* So you started singing along to it
* And he's definitely got enough money to see it more than once so he knows what you're singing
* After a while he'll start humming along with you
* And you just spend a nice relaxing evening humming Hamilton songs together

* The moment you play the opening of any song he will grab you and start dancing around with you
* Dancing around and singing along to the songs
* He definitely knows all the lyrics and especially enjoys King George's songs 
* He makes jokes about knowing the characters in real life

* He hears you singing it and asks what you're singing
* He loves your singing voice but doesn't really care about what you sing as long as it's you singing
* But when he finds out it's a historical musical, he starts doing research
* And he knows all of the history behind all the characters and loves telling you about them
* His favourite character is Washington
* He doesn't really like the songs with the raps he prefers the softer songs but doesn't mind you singing them

* Human music is just kind of all the same to him
* Musicals are just more human music
* He doesn't care much for the story just the tune
* Sometimes he'll ask you to sing some songs that he remembers and he's heard some history behind the musical
* If you ask enough times he'll go and watch it with you
* But he doesn't really care for it much

* He doesn't have the attention span to watch the whole musical in one go
* If you want to watch it with him there will have to be lots of cuddles because he will stay if you're cuddling him
* The same evening that you've watched it he would ask you to sing "dear theadosia" or "that would be enough" to him
* He absolutely loves when you sing "that would be enough" to him, especially when he's in your arms
* It really makes him feel worthy, especially when it's your voice

* Poor boy doesn't really know any musicals
* So you introduce him to Hamilton by singing some of the songs to him one day
* And he loveS it
* Partly because you're singing it but he loves how exciting the songs are
* 100% cries every single time "stay alive reprise" plays

* This boy hears you singing the songs and listens to a few himself, then immediately wants to start a revolution or something so he can sing "my shot" in a bar
* Really vibes with Lafayette and Philip Hamilton
* When you watch it he gets confused at the actors who change their roles for act two, he keeps calling Thomas Jefferson "Lafayette"
* He shouts at Alexander for having an affair, then cries at Burn
* Boy does he wEEP at "who lives, who dies, who tells your story"
* He will cling to you and try his best to hold back tears whenever you sing the final song

Hey hey hey, thank you for 16k reads already! That's amazing I love yall 💕💕
I hope everyone is well and enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you for reading!
Requests are always open and accepted, I'm working through them as best I can 💖
Stay safe and healthy, we are working for a better and brighter future 💖
Thank you Fairy_Diamond_34  for the request

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