Seeing the baby for the first time/giving birth

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(Again since some characters are kind of young this takes place later on in life)
(And for the ladies it's going to be their reaction to meeting the baby you're adopting and for Kari successful IVF birth :) )

* Throughout the whole birthing process he was a bit of a mess
* He hated seeing you in pain but he also wanted to encourage you
* He let you squeeze his hand as hard as you wanted
* He kept telling you his catchphrases during the whole thing
* But labour takes a longgggg time and he gets bored kind of easily
* This man probably brought his deck with him without your knowledge
* But he was so encouraging for you
* And when your baby eventually was born he was so eager to hold them
* It's a boy ( ^ω^ )
* He was honestly bouncing off the walls when you were holding the baby and he was asking if he could too
* He sat on a chair next to your hospital bed and held him and just burst into tears
* He just: *Proud father noises*
* He spoke to your son like he could reply immediately
* "I'm going to teach you how to duel when we get home!"

* He's a twin and those genes are strong
* So you're having twins
* One boy and one girl
* You were sitting with the Barians while Shark was out working with Dumon when your water broke
* And Vector and Alito FREAKED OUT
* Mizar thought it was really funny but Rio was quick to help you out and drive you to a hospital while they called shark to let him know
* Shark went there as soon as he could, there was no way he was going to miss this
* Rio stayed with you until Shark arrived
* He was very confused by a lot of things going on he just wanted to stop your pain
* When both babies are born he's a bit scared to hold even one of them but if you ease him into it he won't ever let them go
* He wants to name the girl after Iris
* He's so gentle with them and he praises you a lot
* When they fall asleep in his arms he almost cried
* Rio falls in love with them immediately
* "Now I can teach boTh of them to beat Quattro's kid"
* "Shark they can't walk yet"

* Angst
* While in labour it was really difficult for you
* You did your best but unfortunately your body had other plans
* You had to go for an emergency c-section and your heart really struggled to keep up
* Poor Kite was really going through it, he was so scared of losing you and your baby
* He had to wait outside the room where Quinton comforted him because this man was in so much panic over the thought of losing you
* But it turned out okay in the end
* A boyyyyyy :)
* He was given your son to hold while you recovered from the anaesthetic
* And when you woke up the first thing you saw was Kite sitting there holding your baby and talking to him
* He hugged you so tight when you had the strength and you held your baby together
* He was soooo relieved you were okay he wouldn't take his eyes off you or the baby
* Did he cry? He cried for sure
* When you got home Hart and Quinton were there to help you out

* When you went to the adoption agency she was buzzing the whole way
* Both of you were
* You were adopting a baby girl that had just been dropped off a few days before
* She gets that pre-parental panic but she's very excited
* When you get to meet the baby you're both so excited
* The baby immediately reaches up and holds your fingers
* Be prepared for her to show off this little girl to everyone

* You're going to go pick up a little girl :))
* And she's very calm on the way there but you can tell she's nervous
* She will cry when you get to meet the baby
* She lets everyone except Vector hold her
* You both are on duty to look after her
* Honestly she can't take her eyes off the baby

* When you went into labour she was absolutely ready and calm
* She takes you to the hospital and speaks calmly and softly to you
* She reminds you of everything you've learned and that you're prepared for this
* Deep down she's really worried but knows you're in good hands
* She is constantly asking about your health and if you're okay and if there's anything she can do
* When you can hold your baby, she has tears in her eyes
* A girl :))
* She kisses you and the baby's heads a lot
* Be careful with letting Yuma hold her because he will be very excited
* Same with Kazuma

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