Little Creature

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Peso was tiny.

Ever since they met, it had been one thing after another. Kwazii had tripped over Peso three times in a row, before finally learning to watch his step. But, peso was tiny in so many other ways. The Octonauts just didn't know it, yet.

Peso was also shy, which wasn't a good combination. it made it near impossible to tell where he was.

Of course, Peso's shyness was the reason they were so surprised that one night.

"I do not need to go to bed!" Peso stated firmly, turning around, and refusing to move. Barnacles blinked. He'd never seen Peso like this before.

"Peso, you're tired." Peso remained where he was. Barnacles rolled his eyes, and lifted him.

"Hey! No fair! Put me down!" Ignoring Peso, he walked into the bathroom, and drew some warm water. Then, he turned to Peso. "Bath." he stated simply. "I'll be back with some pajamas for you." he walked away, heaving a sigh. Peso had been on a strict bedtime for a week now, and every night was a fight. He just didn't understand why Peso couldn't accept it.

He walked back into the bathroom, and saw exactly what he expected to see. Peso was sitting on the rug, pouting, having not made a single attempt to get in the tub.

Barnacles knelt down, and eyed Peso seriously. "Peso, I'm not leaving until I see you get in that tub."

"Then, I guess we'll both just sit here for ever, then." Peso refused to move. Barnacles sighed. "Peso, come on. What's wrong?"

"I don't need to go to bed." Peso grumbled through a clenched beak. Barnacles fought the urge to roll his eyes. "Then why are you always so tired around eight?"

"That's not my fault!"

"Who's is it, then? A monster in the closet?" He added the last part as an attempt to lighten the mood, but it only made Peso angrier. "I'm not a baby!"

"I didn't say you were. But, since you insist, I'll take things from here." He scooped Peso up again, and lowered him into the water. Peso tried too crawl over his shoulder, and away, but was caught and placed back in the tub.

Of course, Peso made it as hard as possible for Barnacles. The bear finally paused after getting a face full pf water. "Peso!"

The penguin in turn stuck his tongue out. Barnacles gave him a look. "if you're not a baby, why do you act like one?"

"I do not!"

"Peso, don't think I don't see you playing with that teddy of yours. And you always throw a temper tantrum-!"

"Whenever you baby me! I'm not a baby!" Barnacles features softened. Peso said that every night when they went through this. "Peso," he whispered gently. "I'm not saying-!"

"Yes you are! Quit lying to me!" Barnacles pulled Peso out of the tub, and rested him on a towel. "Peso, please tell me why you're always so upset?" Peso's response was to turn away, and scamper into the closet. Barnacles sighed, and left.

Inkling glanced up from his book when he heard the captain enter. The bear sat on the couch, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Long night?"

"I haven't even gotten him to take his bath yet." The professor shrugged. He knew Peso better than anyone on the ship, and he knew Peso would probably hold off until past curfew, just to show he could stay up as long as them, maybe even longer.

"Why in the world does he fight so much?" Inkling pondered this. Barnacles continued. "He keeps telling me not to treat him like a baby, and I just don't know what to say to that." Inkling closed his book. "Do you remember me telling you he was an abused child?"

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