Little Pleasures

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It was no secret that Peso didn't seem at all interested in most of their games.

They spent most of their free time in either the library or the game pod. Usually, they'd play a game together, or they'd just hang out and talk. Not Peso, though. He was clearly preoccupied.

Shellington and Kwazii were just finishing up a game of ping-pong. It was pretty clear Kwazii was winning.

"Shellington, come on! You're barely even trying!" Dashi giggled. Shellington ignored her, just barely hitting the ball back. Kwazii wasted no time in sending it shooting back over the net. "Looks like I win." Shellington shrugged.

"Shellington, no offense, but Dashi's right." Tweak munched on her carrot, one paw on her hip. Kwazii patted the otter's shoulder. "It was a good game though."

Dashi glanced over her shoulder. "What about you, Peso? Wanna try?" Peso shook his head. He was sitting on a beanbag chair, happily fiddling with a doll that was about as big as he was. To the others, it would've been about medium size, but to Peso, it was huge. It had blue fur, curly, soft brown hair, pink eyes, and it wore a pink and yellow dress with a matching bonnet, and a white diaper. They honestly didn't see what the big whoop was about it, but Peso seemed to think it was one of the best pass-times.

"Don't you ever stop playing with that doll?" Kwazii inquired, leaning against the ping-pong table. Peso stuck his tongue out at him, and went back to his little game. Dashi giggled. "Oh, leave him alone, Kwazii. I think it's cute."

"I', just saying." Kwazii shrugged. "He's fifteen, and he spends his free time playing with a doll meant for five year old girls."

"Kwazii, don't hurt  his feelings." Barnacles gently admonished. "That's just how Peso likes to spend his time." For a moment, they silently watched Peso. He was leaning back in the bean bag chair, fiddling with his doll. Barnacles had a point. Peso was content to be snug and comfy with a toy to play with.

"Don't you think he would've outgrown it?" Tweak asked around her carrot.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." Dashi admonished. "And besides, he's happy. It's not like the doll will kill anyone."

"I dunno." Kwazii mused. "I swear it stares at me."

"That's why you don't like it?" Barnacles chuckled. "it scares you?"

"No, I'm just saying it makes me nervous."

"Why don't you play with him then?" Shellington inquired, flipping through one of his books. Kwazii rolled his eyes. "Sure.  Then, I'll turn into a unicorn."

"Oh, Kwazii. Leave him alone. It's sweet." Barnacles glanced at Peso again. he was feeding the doll with a fake bottle. Dashi giggled and took a picture.

Upon realizing he had an audience, Peso looked at them innocently, with those big baby eyes of his. The doll lay limp on his lap, the bottle having fallen on the floor.

"You dropped something." Dashi  pointed out. Peso picked the bottle up, and went back to his game. Eventually, Kwazii decided he couldn't wait any longer. "Why do you do that?"


"That. What kind of joy do you find in a doll?"

Peso pondered this for a moment, before holding it up. "It's cute." he pointed out. Kwazii rolled his eyes. "So?"

"I like it." Peso went back to cuddling his toy. Barnacles watched the others leave, chatting to one another as they did so. Then, he nudged Kwazii gently. "Kwazii, just leave him be. I won't pretend to understand it, but that's just Peso being Peso." Peso, being adorable, looked up at them again, with that irresistible baby face. "Will you play with me?" He begged innocently. Barnacles chuckled, and nudged Kwazii again. "Go on. It won't bite." Kwazii rolled his eyes again, before glancing down at the closest thing he had to a little brother, before relenting. "Fine." He sat down across from Peso, and picked up another toy. "How?"

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