At The DoubleTree Hotel

15 4 9

Little Rock, Arkansas

Me: *uses the room key to get in Room 205* Here we are!

Lil_Bunny_Demon: Wow, nice room!

MaryKLago: Yes, nice room!

ilovemybooks2000: *turns on the television using the remote and it's on FX* Ooh, The Simpsons are on!

Homer The Great

Homer: Hey, how come you got vibrating chairs?

Lenny: It's a secret.

Carl: Shh, shut up.

ilovemybooks2000: Love this episode! It's the one when Homer joined the Stonecutters!

Me: Cool, me too! *watching with her*

MaryKLago: Let's see if we can order a pizza, and have it delivered here to the hotel.

Lil_Bunny_Demon: Alright. What time is the funeral tomorrow?

MaryKLago: 12 pm, I think. Or 1. Not sure, though.

This story was written on Tuesday, May 19th, 2020.

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