Hurt and Worry

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the battle was long and trying for most quintessa down fall was music to everyones audios and optics especially cades he was thankful for it the bots where able to return back to how things used to be when they had free roam by the presidents words as long as they gave contact to the military every end of the month. cade sighed as he began walking away from everyone his sides hurt like crazy he walked until he fount a nice rock to sit down on and he did cade pulled off his shirt and laid the med kit down he looked down at the wound and grimced at the giant scar he bit his shirt and poured achoul on it and screamed into his shirt and thrashed closing his eyes only to freeze feeling small metal hands grip his arm he blinked his eyes open and gulped their before him stood a shrunken optimus prime who was glarring down at him "cade why did you not go for help " he exclaimed before grabbing the cloth out of his hands cade gave off a frown " i'm fine optimus i've been doing this for over a year since you where gone " cade flinched a bit as the prime began cleaning the wond with a cloth he looked at the mech and blushed. optimus cleaned cade side but was alittle more focused on how those abs clintched with each wipe optimus licked his mouth platting before leaning forward and licked the wound with his glossa. cade groaned in both pain and pleasure and looked at optimus in shock "o optimus " he asked with a gulp. optimus looked up with a smirk a bit of the mans blood was on his glossa he licked it in and pulled himself up and loamed over the texen he leaned in and sniff the man neck he was about to lick him " Hey boss bot where ready to leave " shouted hound. cade gave off a breath as optimus moved away only to gulp as the bot leaned in and licked his ear " this isn't over cade yeager ~"  cade shivered watching the mech leave with the others cade pulled back on his shirt and walked back to the ship on shaky legs he sat down watching as they took off and went towards the direction of his home when they got their cade froze looking at newly rebuilt barn and house cade felt tears form as he looked at his daughter and her new child as the ship landed cade walked out and went to tessa and smiled as she shouted " DAD OH MY GOD SHANE " cade rushed forward and hugged his baby girl and twinkle toes who was now his son in law " i'm back tessa i'm home " he smiled kissing her head he  looked down at the baby girl " and who is this " he smiled picking up his granddaughter " kathy lean yeager " said shane. cade smiled and kissed  her head before giving kathy back to tessa he smiled watching the autobots unpacking their things and building their homes. later cade was out in the field rubbing his side which for some odd reason was better already laying back cade folded his arms behind his head only to jerk feeling someone laying ontop of him he looked and blushed seeing optimus. optimus looked down at cade and growled leaning forward he sniffed him and purred as he began to nip him leaving large marks he then pulled back and rip the mans cloths in two as he took the off by force. cade yelped out loud and looked at him with a gapping mouth only to shouted as lube digits entered his passage way he moaned out loud he went to move his arms only to have them caged by optimus cade shivered. optimus looked down at his little inventor and smirked starring into those green forest optics and purred as he pulled out his didgits the prime made sure that the texen was looking at him as he pushed in optimus smiled happily as he watched the mans mouth open in a silent scream before he threw his head back this made optimus want to see more and hear more he growled thrusting hard and fast so fast that the mans body as shaking into his thrust. cade welled out as that cock entered him fast hitting his prostate cade screamed " ah ah ah ah ah optimus ohhhhhhfuuuuck uh uh uh " cade felt as if he was beginning barried into the dirt at the speed the bot was going. ptimus huffed and grunted before growling he thrusted in hard before overloading with a growl leaning forward and bit down on cades shoulder caging him in letting hos transfluids fill the texen claiming him as his optimus moaned at this cade was his now his human his sparkmate. cade screamed as he came seeing white his body went lax he looked up at optimus and panted before whimpering as the bot pulled out he could fill the bots cum leaking from him " next time cade yeager you are to tell me when something is wrong " cade shivered at that hunger glare " or next time i will frag you in my real form and i will not stop until your a begging cry mess " cade closed his eyes and moaned at the primes dirty and domianting words he reopened his eyes and smirked " whatever you say yeah old wreck " cade groaned as his ass was popped " we will see who is old when i am threw with you ~" cade gasped and another round began and cade new one thing he was totally fucked

( i hope you guys enjoy this pineapple101 tell watcha think )

( i hope you guys enjoy this pineapple101 tell watcha think )

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