8: "That's my choice!"

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I don't really know how UK schools works with all the exams and shit, so i kinda bullshitted this chapter lmao. feel free to correct me on how things work !

Chapter 8: "That's my choice!"

I walked back to my room and took a seat on the bed, before opening the jewelry box. 

Immediately, a small photograph fell out.

Unlike the one Elijah had shown me downstairs, this one didn't have our parents. It was just the children.

Elijah had his hands on Jasper's shoulders. Charlie was holding me, with a wide smile, showing off a missing front tooth.

It was adorable.

I placed the photo on my nightstand, deciding I'd do something with it later.

The majority of the rest of the contents in the box were jewelry. 

There was some beautiful items, but I felt weird wearing them. They belonged to the dead mother I had never met — it was all so strange.

At the bottom of the box, was a folded piece of paper.

I opened it up, and was shocked to see that it was my birth certificate.

It had my birth date listed as December 16th, and my name as "Maya Isabella DeMarlo". I remember that my ex-mom had told me my middle name was Elizabeth, after her aunt.

I wondered if such aunt even existed. 

The document also had information listed for my parents — my father, "Michele Santiago DeMarlo", occupation: businessman; and for my mother, "Amelia Khristen DeMarlo", occupation: housewife. Their place of births were left simple, "Italy" and "America". 

I felt overwhelmed as I stared at the piece of paper. I had always been Maya Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, and now I was Maya Isabella DeMarlo?

It seemed like it would be impossible to ever accept this.

The next few days were considerably uneventful, and I was thankful for it.

Jasper made an appearance at lunch the next day, with his left arm in a cast. He didn't say a word to me.

Elijah and Charlie seemed busy and so I joyfully stayed inside my room, watching Netflix and texting Nicole.

When I headed to the library, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Elijah had taken my suggestion, and hung the family photo above the fire place.

When Saturday rolled around, I decided to ask Charlie about going to church again.

"You really liked it that much?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded.

"Plus, I don't have anything else to do here. And it's the last day before school starts."

"And you want to spend it in church?"

I nodded, again. 

"Well, alright. Elijah and I have business to attend to. I doubt you want Jasper joining you, so I'll arrange for a bodyguard."

A bodyguard?

What about Tyler?

"Can't I go alone? The bodyguard can drop me off and pick me up," I pleaded.

"Nope, not happening," Charlie firmly said, surprising me. "It's not safe."

"It's a church," I argued.

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