The plan

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Am I writing this instead of going to sleep because I have online school early in the morning yes, yes I am :)


"Hey, yah everyone we're backkkk" everyone looked at who it was noticing it was Cana and her boyfriend "where'd you go you were gone all day today?" Levy asked "oh us well we drank up all the booze in this house so we went out and got some more because that boss of yours said if I finished it all and I didn't replace it there would be hell to pay," Cana said, "ah I see but that took all day?" Temari asked "hehe we also did other things," Bacchus said

"I see well help you bring the booze in the house I'm pretty sure you got a lot right?" Hinata asked

"Damn right we did," Cana said smiling "right alright let's go get it then we can start dinner," Erza said


They all had finally come back together to eat dinner unknowing what had happened when Wendy was at the carnival and what's coming next.

"Hey I need to tell you guys something," Wendy said looking at all the girls they all were kinda confused but understood and nodded their heads "you guys won't need to hear this it's really nothing that important so you can all go to the theater room and watch something we'll be there soon," Wendy said "huh me too" Cana pointed at herself and Wendy nodded "alright"

The boys were also confused the most confused and worried tho was Romeo I mean who wouldn't be he did see a little blood on Wendy's dress but said nothing about it.

They all had gotten up from their chairs and went their respective ways and reassuring the boys that everything was okay.

-With the girls-

"So Wendy what did you need to talk about?" Erza asked "well it's about what happened at the carnival" everyone raised their eyebrows or had a confused face but said nothing encouraging her to go on.

"Well you see when we split up" she referred to Hinata and tenten "me and Romeo were having a good time...but then I noticed wait more like someone and I might have killed them" "WHAT!" They all said "haha wait, wait I phrase that wrong my bad I should have been more clear he threatened me, saying that he had someone falling Romeo after we split up. You see when I noticed the guy, so I challenge Romeo to race to the Farris wheel where we were gonna meet back up so while he ran I ran towards the guy and confronted him. "

"Okay, and did you know who he was?" Lucy asked "actually yes he would stop talking about himself he was with the organization with Orochimaru and phantom lord he kept saying he was one of the elite but then I pinned him down with easy so I knew he was lying and he was lying about someone following Romeo too, he also kept saying we ruined their plans in sort of way anyways I'm guessing he picked me cause he thought he could take me so then I killed him" Wendy finished the girls bow all understood why Wendy called them.

"Okay then is that all no one has anything else to report?" Hinata asked everyone shook their heads "okay well Tsunade and Makarov should be here soon to give us a repo-" levy was cut off by the door slamming open everyone rushed to the door trots see who it was "Tsunade? What happened?" Ino asked "everyone to the mission room," Makarov said while already walking there.


"Do y'all think the girls are okay?" Naruto asked, "why would they be?" Natsu asked
"Well at the carnival when we met back up Wendy was acting a bit weird but then her whole mood changed when she saw Romeo again" at this point everyone was looking at Romeo "hey Romeo did Wendy say anything?" jellal asked "no she didn't but I do admit she was acting a bit weird when she came back to us"

"How weird?" Gajeel asked "well we made a bet to see whoever got to the Ferris wheel has to do what the other say I won but she didn't show up for a while Hinata and tenten started to get worried but then finally showed up" "I see"

"Y'all they're fine when they want to tell us they will, "Cana said, "will they tho?" Sai asked there was a moment of silence until gray spoke up"well-" but gray suddenly got cut off by the loud bang and they all ran out to the entrance "everyone to the mission room" they heard the man speak and they listened "well now they actually might not tell us.." laxus said they all sighed and went back into the room and put on a show but sill worried and hoping the girl wouldn't leave them again.


"The organization had found something very interesting phantom lord is not a person it's another organization but had teamed up with Orochimaru and with those files and computer you lady's brought to us we also found out you took down not just one but two of their elites now that's just the good news, " Makarov said "there's bad news?"juvia asked "unfortunately," Tsunade said and continue "the bad news is they have of course many more elites and not only that but it seems they have recruited more bad organization so what we plan on doing is taking them out right now the organization can't let this grow if it does it could be dangerous to the point they won't know what to do" "so we're gonna leave to their hideout take them out and return"

"yes and since you've been on this mission for far too long you will be required a break for a little while the people who with be joining your on this mission is of course Asuna and Kirito, maka and soul, Tsubaki and black star, and others you know like death the kid with Liz and Patty, killua and gon, chuuya and dazai, Meilodas and ban and others but you won't really interact with them that much just infiltrating at different times taking them out."

"Hai," everyone said Tsunade sighed "y'all won't have much time with your significant other for much time you'll probably be shipped out tomorrow so go be with them" after she had said that they all left and Makarov also sighed "we need a drink" as if on cue one of the maids came into the room with bottles of booze "hell yeah and keep them coming" "hai ma'am"


The girls went back to the living room "should we tell them?" Sakura asked the group "I- I don't know," Mira said "what if we don't come back from this mission?" tenten asked "shut up we will, and also you will just tell them that we have a mission coming up and nothing else got it" Erza said "hai" they said while walking to the room and opening the door.

Once they did that everyone looked at who had entered and scrambled their way to their respective lover.

"Hey what happened?" Naruto was the first to ask "well we have an upcoming mission" Hinata said smiling saying nothing else like she agreed it was quite for a little because what had laxus said was true they weren't going to say anything else. "Well you probably won't be here for long right let's drink," Cana said holding up a beer then looked at Wendy "oh wait-" Cana got cut off "no it's okay I wanted to head up to my room anyways" Cana nodded her head and went back to drinking her booze.

Wendy then grabbed Romeo's hand and headed out not didn't miss the looks some of the girls gave her she then waved at them trying to reassure them and left the room.


Damn I did it haha😆

Anyways I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter 😉 just wait until the next one I have a plan. 😌

Alright then


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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