1 - A Return to Sillyvision

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I came back to Sillyvision... I really wish I didn't - Find the Keys

Hailey's POV

It took me a few days to travel from Pasadena to New York City. I rented a hotel room for a few days at a hotel near the studio. As I sat on the bed, I let myself get lost in my thoughts. My thoughts were mainly centered around Joey Drew Studios.

Now it could be argued it was foolish of me to become Joey's business partner and help start up a business at the age of 19. Perhaps it was due to my age at the time that made me look at most of those memories fondly, but even when I re-examine them I still find those days to be the best three years of my life. There were things that happened to me throughout the past twenty years that I never told Henry and Linda about. My mind then wandered to what happened the day I left:

"How could you do this to me Joey?! I trusted you! You promised me people would recognize me for my work, but instead you've taken credit for all of it!"

"Calm down Hailey, I can explain..."

"Explain what? You stole from me you greedy bastard, and I've had enough of you and your lies! I won't let you take advantage of me anymore... I QUIT!" I stormed out of the office and started to go to my desk. I packed my things, then headed to the exit. I was marching towards the door when Susie ran up to me.

"Hailey, what's wrong? People are saying you quit, but that can't be true."

"It is," I confirmed. "I'm leaving this damn studio, and I don't plan on coming back. Ever."

This shocked her. "What?! Why?"

I stopped and glared at her. "That greedy self-centered bastard has been stealing from me for the past three years! Joey stole credit for my work! He promised me people would recognize my work, and he lied! He's ruined everything, and I refuse to be used by him any longer."

"Please, don't go..." She pleaded as she threw her arms around me, tears in her eyes. "What about the cartoons? What about Bendy and Boris? What about Alice?" She then sniffled. "What about me?"

I shoved her off of me. "I don't care. It's not my concern anymore." I then turned around and left the studio. As angry tears started to flow from my eyes, I refused to look back, not even as I heard Susie cry. Not even when I heard her wail.

"Please don't leave me!"


I never went back. At first it was due to anger, but then it was out of shame. I couldn't bring myself to face Susie. The memory continued to echo in my head as I made my way to the exterior of the studio. I reached out to the doorknob then hesitated as Susie's sorrow-filled broken words seemed to echo in my ears.

My first time back after twenty years... I hope they aren't too mad...

With a deep breath, I exhaled as I grabbed the doorknob, turned it, then pushed the door open. The door creaked loudly as I opened it, then closed it behind me.

"Joey, I'm here," I called out. I only got silence in response. "Hello? Joey?" More silence. I sighed. "Alright then, in that case I'll take a look around. Let's see if I can find what you wanted to show me."

I looked around at the hallway that I currently stood in. It was a rather small one that led to the foyer. On the walls of the hallway I could see posters for Little Devil Darlin', Sheep Songs!, and Sent From Above. The episodes that introduced Bendy, Boris the Wolf, and Alice Angel. The studio's three big stars. My three stars.

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