19 - Campbell to Angel

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Allison's POV

The Acolyte being at Alice's side was the last thing I expected to see when Mother Angel returned. Helen didn't react the same, but that was mainly due to the fact she's never had Hailey's memories of her in the first place. Which is both a blessing, and an annoyance in this case.

Alice then gestured to her daughter. "Susie, meet my precious baby girl. Helen, this is Susie."

"Are you the one who tried to drown Mommy because your mind is ill?"

I growled a little. "She is."

"Allison, how about we give them some privacy?" Alice suddenly suggested as she walked up to me. "I want to discuss something with you."

I didn't get a chance to say no, as she suddenly approached me, grabbed my hand, and led me away. She brought me to a couch in the planning room, and we sat down.

"What do you want to discuss?" I asked her.

"A couple of things actually. The first is my only fatal weakness, the End Reel."

I frowned. "You're a fatal weakness is a film reel?"

"Despite how silly it may sound to you, yes. Supposedly it was designed by Joey Drew as a way to kill me. That belief is supported by the fact that it has to be brought to my private residence ..." she let out a sigh, "...however to be honest my old self used it as a lair rather than an actual home. In fact the only piece of furniture in the place is a throne that has Joey's old office chair as the actual seat. On the rare occasion the Ink Angel slept that was where she did it."

I raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"Unfortunately, it's true. However, after the Wolf has been dealt with, I intend to turn it into a proper home. "

"What exactly is this residence of yours?"

"Trust me sweetie, it's something you'll have to see in order to believe."

That confused me, but I nodded anyway. "I noticed you now refer to your old self like she's a different person," I pointed out.

Alice nodded. "My soul has changed me immensely. It's become very easy to think of the Ink Angel as a separate person. Does it bother you at all?"

I shook my head, and smirked. "It does not, Mother Angel."

I chuckled at her joking, yet affectionate title for me. "To be honest, I love it when you call me that. I adore the wonderful mix of humor and affection it holds."

"I know, Mother Angel," replied Allison. A smirk on your face. "However, we've gone off topic. What exactly makes this film reel so bad?"

"If the End Reel is used, it won't just end me, it'll end everything."

"I'm not following. What do you mean?"

"Allison, if it's used, this entire inky world will cease to exist. Not only that, all inky entities, myself and Helen included, will cease to exist as well."

I gasped and a hand went to my mouth. "Oh my... what about... what about Hailey? Would she...?"

"...remain dead?" She finished, and I nodded. "I'm afraid she would."

My hands clenched into fists. "Where is that reel? Why haven't you destroyed it?"

"Supposedly it's locked away in the Film Vault... I think. Although, I have to be honest with you, I have no clue if that's true. I can't manifest inside it since it's one of the few places in this studio I've never visited." She then held up her hand. "To answer the question I know you're about to ask, I've never been inside the Film Vault because the damn door is sealed shut, and I have no clue how to open it."

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