31 - The Plan

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Helen's POV

When I heard Wally's suggestion, I ended up facepalming. Seriously?! I literally just managed to calm Mama down, and then he suggests this?!

"Well its the only idea we have!" Wally exclaimed.

I frowned, then tilted my head. "Did I say that outloud?"

Tom nodded. "You did."


"My baby is not going to be used as bait." Mama growled.

"LIke Wally said, it's the only plan we've got." Tom replied.

Mama suddenly became the Ink Queen. "No. Using. My. Baby. As. BAIT!!"

"But Mama! It's the only plan we have!" I whined.

"Then we'll come up with another!" She declared. "I refuse to risk your life. I'd kill before allowing your life to be put at risk."

"Even if it's the only way to save her?"


Alice's POV

We all froze as that strange voice whispered in our heads. "Who ARE you?"

The entity... giggled? "A friend of sorts."

I snorted at that. "Yeah right. Now shove off. We don't need you."

"I beg to differ. None of you were able to come up with a better plan. Now Wally's suggestion is the only option you guys have. You have to allow Helen to go through with it.

"NEVER!! I forbid it!" I roared. I was starting to loathe this thing. Although, at the same time, something about it made me feel... dread. I had no clue why, and that worried me. Which caused me to lash out at it even more.

"I know you don't like it because you're worried about Helen's safety. However, I can assure you she'll be perfectly safe. Nothing bad will happen to her."

"What makes you so sure about that?"

"Because Bendy won't let anything bad happen to her. If and when the Ink Demon tries to harm her, Bendy will fight him. He'll be able to hold the Demon off long for Helen to set him free."

I growled. This entity was far too reasonable. "I still don't like this."

"Come on Alice, you can trust me."

"Wrong. I can't trust you. I won't trust you. I have no idea who or what you are, and I find you to be suspiciously reasonable. Your words are honeyed, just like Joey Drew's were."



The entity's pure fury was so unexpected, I ended up reverting back to normal. Well, that and the fact it's yelling caused Helen to have an accident, then burst into tears. Which sent me straight into 'Mama Mode'. I picked up my baby, and started to stroke her hair.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"Whatever," it snarled. "Anyways, if you want your daughters to live, you WILL go through with it. AM. I. CLEAR?"

"Crystal," I growled.

"Wonderful!" It replied, suddenly sounding cheerful. "Good luck!" Then it was gone.

"I really don't like that thing,"Tom muttered.

"Neither do I," I agreed. "Now I'll be back in a bit. Helen's needs to be changed."

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