20 - Loved by Her Family

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Susie's POV

It's interesting how a single wish can change so much. I've been reborn because of one. I was sane again. I had a family again. The person I used to worship is now my mother, and now I have a kid sister who is absolutely adorable. For the first time in years, I was at peace.

I loved Helen. My new sister is such a sweetheart. Her innocence was precious, and I adored her smile. Mother was everything I could ever hope for in a mom. Loving, gentle, warm, and protective. The fact I was now her daughter gave me a new sense of bliss.

I was currently showing Helen how to play Bull's Eye Bonanza. She insisted on playing it. Results were... interesting to say the least.

"Okay, so this gun only has 20 shots. You have to hit as many of the targets as you can. However, you have to ignore any targets that have an 'x' on them. Okay?"

She beamed, and nodded. "Okay!"

It didn't take her long to win the game, but that didn't satisfy her. Helen wanted to get a perfect score on it. So she spent the next ten minutes trying to get one. The determined look on her face was cute, and the way her tongue stuck out a little made it adorable. Five more minutes passed, and she finally managed to get her perfect score.

"I did it!" She cheered. "I did it! I did it! I did it!"

I chuckled. "Yes you did. Mother's going to be so proud of you." This made her glow with happiness.

Unfortunately, the Wolf ruined the happy moment.

"I see you're having fun," he remarked. "Well Bendy and I are having fun as well. In fact we're having so much fun it's heart stopping. So don't worry about your friend. He doesn't mind waiting for his rescue party."

"I. Don't. Like. Him." Snarled Helen.

This caught me off guard. This was the third time she's spoken like that. It reminded me of Mother's Ink Angel voice. Though what shocked me was how my sister's version of it was far more terrifying.

"Helen, he only said that to antagonize us." I gently told her. "He enjoys it. So we have to ignore him. Understand?"

She nodded. "I understand big sis."

I smiled. "Good. Now do you want to play Bottle Wallop next, or the Strength Tester?"

"Bottle Wallop!"

We walked over to it, then I grabbed the three balls on the game's counter, then had us back up a little.

"Okay sis, ready for me to tell you how to play?"

She beamed. "Yep!"

"The objective of Bottle Wallop is simple. All you have to do is throw these balls at those stacks of milk bottles. There are nine bottles in total, but they are split up into stacks of three. You have three balls, and to win each one has to knock the whole stack over. Do you get it?"

She nodded, so I gave her the balls. Unlike Bull's Eye Bonanza, it took her only one try to win a game of Bottle Wallop.

"You're amazing Helen." I told her, which made her so happy. "Now use the Strength Tester and once you ring the bell I'll give you a prize."

Her eyes lit up when I said the word prize. She ran over to it, grabbed the game's mallet, then slammed it against the 'x' that was drawn on the target. She did it so hard she cracked the target, and not only did she ring the bell, she broke it.

She then turned to me. "Can I have the big plushie that looks like Mama?" She asked while pointing at it.

I walked over to it, grabbed it, then returned to her and gave her the plushie. "Here you go."

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