34 - Motives

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Alice's POV

Everyone was silent for a few minutes after Helen finished her story. We were troubled by what she revealed to us. Tom was the first one to speak up.

"Now does this entity bother you Susan?"

"Uncle Tom, I will admit that after hearing that, it does."

"Thank god. You were worrying me for a moment."

Allison smacked the backside of her husband's head. "Tom!"

"Ow!" He exclaimed, then rubbed the spot she had hit. "What?! Susan never should've stopped worrying about that damn thing. It exists in the Ink Void for crying out loud!"

"Why is that a big deal?" Susan asked.

I decided to handle this subject."Daughter, you know how people's minds tend to fade away after being reborn? Like Sammy Lawrence did after he ended up in Bendy."

She nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, contrary to popular belief, those minds don't simply cease to exist. They end up in the Ink Void. There, those minds exist as faint echoes. In this state, they may exist, but they'll never awaken."

"So how could I have met something from the Void?" Wally asked.

"That's a very good question Wally," I replied. "We know very little about this entity, but based on what we do know, I have a theory. For some reason, when this person fell into the Void, something about them prevented them from becoming an echo."

Helen frowned. "Them?"

"I'm using that since we have no clue what the entity's gender is," I told her.

She nodded. "Okay Mama."

Susan sighed. "Okay, so this thing somehow exists in a place it shouldn't. However, it bargained with Wally. It helped free him from the Wolf. Why?"

"Maybe it was being nice." Wally muttered.

"That is a possibility," I admitted. "However, I personally think it's highly unlikely. This thing has an agenda. There's a reason why it wanted the Wolf. Just like there's a reason it gave us that plan. The question is, what is this thing up to?"

Tom nodded. "Alice is right, this thing is up to something, and I doubt it's benevolent."

Wally sighed. "Why is it hard to believe it just wanted to help us?"

"The very identity of this thing spooked Bendy so much, he wanted to use the End Reel to destroy this entire inky world." Susan pointed out. "Who the heck could it be?"

"Not a clue." Wally replied. "Aside from Joey Drew, nobody in this place was psychotic enough to warrant that level of fear"

"I agree with you on that, Franks." Tom grunted.

I crossed my arms."We know the knowledge of the entity's identity freaked Bendy out. So much that he broke into the Film Vault and stole the End Reel."

Wally nodded. "Yeah, he wanted to end this inky world just to make sure it would never escape the Void. Although, how the heck would it pull that off?"

""That's a whole different issue," Susan said. "However, you're wrong about his reasoning Wally. The main reason he wanted to use that reel was to save Helen. So the question is, who was he trying to save her from?"

I looked at Allison, who seemed completely focused on whatever she was thinking about. She had a frown on her face, and her eyebrows were furrowed.

"What's on your mind sweetie?" I asked.

She snapped out of it, she blinked as she looked around. Then, Allison turned to me. "Sorry, what?"

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