15 - Bye Bye Hailey

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Allison's POV

I didn't like this. Not one bit. Something felt off about this. Though I put on a brave face for Helen's sake. Bendy did as well. Neither of us wanted to freak her out. I was silently praying that Alice was keeping a much closer eye on us.

Something bad is going to happen. I thought. I just know it.


Alice's POV

I felt a mix of worry and confusion. The wolf was planning something. He had no intention of letting them go. That was one promise I knew he wouldn't keep. Yet he says it's time for them to leave. He's having them return to the elevator. Then it dawned on me. The elevator.

"Oh no!" I gasped in horror, and covered my mouth as I realized what he was about to do. "Helen!"

I froze, paralyzed by the exponentially growing horror I felt as I watched Bendy, Allison, and Helen enter the elevator, and it began to ascend.


Helen's POV

I was scared. The elevator was going faster than it normally does as it went up and up. Mean Wally I knew Big Sis and Bendy were pretending they were fine, but I knew they were scared too. I could sense it. Then Mean Wally spoke to us, except he sounded sad.

"Have you ever wondered what the outside world is like? I like to imagine that it's open and peaceful. A big field of freshly-mowed grass with the sun shining over it. I doubt I'll get to see it myself. Are you ready to go my little erend girls? The world is waiting."

He then began to sniffle and breath heavily, but then it abruptly stopped, and so did the elevator. The sudden quiet made me grow even more scared.

"I'm scared Ally." I whimpered.

I didn't hear her response, because Big Me took over.


Hailey's POV

"I don't like this one bit." I muttered.

"Hailey?" Allison asked as she noticed the sudden change in my behavior.

I nodded. "Yep."

"Why...?" Bendy began, but he never got a chance to finish his sentence.

Suddenly the thing that used to be Wally began to chuckle, which quickly turned into psychotic laughter. Then the elevator abruptly dropped, descending uncontrollably at dangerous speeds.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?!" He roared. "Do you really think you would leave without paying a toll?! No, Allison Connor! You aren't leaving that easily! And don't think I forgot about you BOSS!"

My face fell at that. Oh no...

"Yes! That's right Helen, or should I say, Hailey Stein! I know who you are, what you are, and why you're here! And I will not stop what needs to be done! Now, come back down and bring me back my Bendy! He's the most perfect demon I've ever seen and I want him! I need her insides so I can be adorable again! Don't you two understand?! Don't you two get it?! Give him to me! Or, better yet... I'll take him! Once! Your! Both! Dead!"

Allison turned to me. "Hailey!"

That's the last thing I heard before everything went black.


Allison's POV

I opened my eyes, and was barely able to see Bendy. He was shaking my shoulders violently as he hyperventilated. My eyes turned, and I saw my sister, who had been thrown to the right corner of the room, surrounded by the shattered remains of the crate that used to be there. Horror filled me when I saw she layed in a crimson pool, and showed no signs of breathing.

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