7 - A Chat in Heavenly Toys

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Bendy's POV

Allison was cooking breakfast when my creator walked in. I frowned when I noticed that she seemed to be paler than she was the night before. It was like her skin was starting to lose its color. Allison noticed this as well, and the two of us shared a quick look. Then both of us turned to Hailey and smiled at her.

"Good morning." I greeted her.

"Good morning Bendy," she replied, then turned to Allison. "Good Morning Allison."

"Good morning Hailey," my friend replied. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Fine. So what are the plans for today?"

"Well, we are getting you out of this place for starters." I answered.

"What?! Why?" My creator asked.

Allison raised an eyebrow. "Any particular reason why you don't want to leave?"

"I need answers to what happened here. I have to know how much of this is my fault."

"None of this is your fault." I told her. "So stop blaming yourself. The only person at fault is Joey Drew. Okay?"

She sighed and nodded. "Okay."

I smirked. "Great. Now we need to get you out of this place because Knowing this place, it's only a matter of time before word spreads to everyone about exactly who you are."

"So that's a bad thing?"

Allison nodded. "Extremely. The Ink Angel's already targeting you, which is bad enough. However she is not the only one you have to worry about."

I continued on from there. "The Projectionist and the Depraved Wolf, are only two of a few who've managed to become almost as dangerous as the Ink Angel herself. Though some say the Wolf is as dangerous as she is."

"What makes this wolf as dangerous as Al...?"

Allison ran up to Hailey and covered her mouth. "Never say her name! It's fine to say it only if you're referring to the original cartoon character. It's lethal to say if you're referring to the Ink Angel," my friend hissed. "Nobody uses her name. Not even the Wolf."

I then uttered the unspoken rule my creator almost broke. "The Angel will maim those who utter her name." I then sighed. "As soon as breakfast is done, we're getting you out of this place."


Allison's POV

After that close call, I finished breakfast. While we ate, Hailey told us more about herself. We learned about her phobia-level fear of drowning, and what happened to her before she met Bendy and I. However, she spoke very little about her two encounters with the Ink Angel. Which was understandable. When we finished eating, Hailey ran back to the bedroom to grab her Alice Angel plushie, then the three of us then left the safehouse. I warned Bendy and Hailey not to wander off (while glaring at the demon the whole time), then we walked until we reached the dark hallway.

"It's really dark up ahead," Hailey noted.

I nodded. "Luckily we have some light," I told her as I grabbed the light I had left on the table a couple of days ago. I noticed she seemed nervous.

I spoke to her in a gentle tone. "Don't be scared, Hailey. I'll keep the light near you so you don't get lost"

She nodded, and walked ahead with me behind her, and Bendy at her side, holding her hand. As we carefully walked through the dark hallway, we could hear some sounds, which Bendy and I ignored since we were used to this kind of thing. Though it seemed to frighten Hailey.

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