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7. Cabin Three


Lorna made her way back to her Cabin. She sighed the minute she entered the cabin. It was a low gray building hewn from sea stone, with shells and coral fossils imprinted in the rock. Inside, it was just as empty as always, except for her and Percy's bunk. A Minotaur horn hung on the wall next to Percy's pillow. His candy wrappers and chip bags still on his bunk, his armor for capture the flag lying in pieces all around his side of the cabin.

When they first arrived at camp, they had made an imaginary line that they could not cross. Percy's side was always dirty and Lorna's was relatively neat. It was always a trouble for cabin inspectors- they would have to endure the twin's fighting.

Lorna bit her lip and tried not to cry. She made her way towards Percy's bed. It wasn't made, the pillows were slanted and the blanket was on the floor. She sat on the bed. These few days she could sleep perfectly well. Percy and Lorna shared dreams, and recently, she never got any. Lorna didn't know whether it was a good or bad sign. She hated that everyone thought she didn't care for Percy. Sure, she knew Percy wasn't in danger but she still missed him. Terribly.

Lorna didn't realize it but she fell asleep on her brother's bed. She woke up and got ready for the quest. She packed nectar, ambrosia and extra change of clothing. She wore her usual orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, a pair of thin sweatpants and a windbreaker. She got her backpack and headed out.

Lorna made her way to the dining pavilion, everyone was shouting 'it's back'. Lorna didn't know what they were talking about until she saw the dragon swooping down from the sky.

Piper ran up next to Lorna. "Leo?" She yelled.

Sure enough, there he was, sitting atop a giant bronze death machine and grinning like a lunatic. Even before he landed, the camp alarm went up. A conch horn blew. All the satyrs started screaming, "Don't kill me!" Half the camp ran outside in a mixture of pajamas and armor.

The dragon set down right in the middle of the green, and Leo yelled, "It's cool! Don't shoot!"

Hesitantly, the archers lowered their bows. The warriors backed away, keeping their spears and swords ready. They made a loose wide ring around the metal monster. Other demigods hid behind their cabin doors or peeped out the windows. Nobody seemed anxious to get close. Lorna couldn't blame them. The dragon was huge. It glistened in the morning sun like a living penny sculpture —different shades of copper and bronze—a sixty-foot-long serpent with steel talons and drill-bit teeth and glowing ruby eyes. It had bat-shaped wings twice its length that unfurled like metallic sails, making a sound like coins cascading out of a slot machine every time they flapped.

"It's wow," Lorna muttered.

The other demigods stared at her like she was insane. The dragon reared its head and shot a column of fire into the sky. Lorna got ready to douse it with water as campers scrambled away and hefted their weapons, but Leo slid calmly off the dragon's back. He held up his hands like he was surrendering, except he still had that crazy grin on his face.

WORTH | jason grace¹Where stories live. Discover now