chapter twelve,

375 11 4

They were packing up their picnic while exchanging small glances and occasional giggles.

Once Niall's book bag was full again, they walked to Eva's dorm hand in hand. 

As the wind blew Eva realized people would stare at them in passing, murmuring.

She dismissed it as them never seeing a mixed couple, but then again in LA that was kind of the normal.

She simply looked over to Niall and he gave her a warm smile that silenced all her worries.

"Do you think people are naturally open-minded or they accept a change in their environment because they're forced to?" Eva asked refrencing the extremely liberal nature of LA.

Niall was taken aback at the sudden loaded question.

"I think it could work either way, you know? Some people are just really open to any sort of mentality or experience, you know? Others would have to assimilate but then again they don't have to, everyone has free will."

"What about those that don't have free will, mm? For example politicians or celebrities even," Eva stated.

"Celebrities?" Niall asked.

"Yea, you know there followed constantly. Always in the spotlight. One bad move or comment and boom their career is over." She said and Niall nodded.

Having someone explain his life was an out of body experience, not to mention Eva didn't know Niall was the person she was describing.

"I don't think I was made for that lifestyle. That's why I chose writing, I could express myself openly because that's what I'm getting paid to do. No one wants to hear the same opinion in different writing, they want a different opinion. A new perspective." She said and Niall was alarmed at her dislike of being in the spotlight.

He sighed as he felt he would soon have to leave Eva in the past. The thought of not being able to hear her velvet voice pained him.

He gripped her hand tighter as she explained how she planned to overtake the world with her writing.

"The world is not ready for Seevali Jan," Niall commented and Eva laughed. 

"What do you plan to do?" She asked and Niall was confused until he remembered the lie he told her.

He was a music connaissouer. Whatever that meant.

"Oh, with my career. I, um, what to be able to open a music school for kids who want to learn music." Niall said stammering.

He didn't want to elaborate on his horrible excuse so he mentioned something he actually did.

"But I have this passion for golf that just won't go away," He stated and Eva gasped.

"No way! Me too. Niall lets compete." Eva said and Niall laughed.

"Eva, please. We just got to the next level of our relationship, let's not ruin it by competing against each other." Niall scoffed and Eva rolled her eyes.

"C'mon, you can't handle a healthy competition?" Eva tested and Niall put his arm around her nodding.

"Okay, okay. We'll go golfing but try not to cry too hard when I beat you, yeah?" He smirked.

Eva shook her head in disbelief, "You're going to swallow your words soon, James."

"Oo, the middle name, so threatening." He said feigning fear.

She punched his side and he groaned as he toppled over.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Gosh, I always ruin these things. Are you okay?" Eva panicked as people watched the couple's strangeness.

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