Assassin's First Strike

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Last Time on Academy Assassin's..............

"I was able to figure it out because I read your mind. And I had this restaurant empty by using my powers to make people avoid it. I can control a huge amount of people but I can only give them simple commands. The person that was not under my control and entered this building was the guy I was looking for. And it helped that I read your mind as well before you entered the restaurant." Said Misaki.

"Great. If you know who I am, that means you know what my motives are already?" asked Jason.

"Yep. All of it. All about your Creed and the Templars." Said Misaki.

Jason was about to say something when their food was placed infront of them. Once the waitress has left, they begin to eat and continue to talk, when their mouths are not full with food.

"As for why I am here, I simply want to help you out." Said Misaki.

"Why?" asked Jason.

"I want to know why these 'Templars' are trying to take control of this city." Said Misaki.

"I guess you really didn't read my entire mind." Said Jason.

"Only about the parts of you and your Creed and the Templars." Said Misaki.

"Why?" asked Jason.

"Because I want to hear the rest from you personally." Said Misaki. This reason has caught Jason of guard.

"Fine. I will tell you but don't tell anyone else about this. They are trying to look for a piece of the Eden. A powerful artifact that has unimaginable powers. Their are many different piece of the Eden. One that can control the people, using just a piece of blood to view what the person that is looking at from a different country and the list goes on." Said Jason.

"Oh my. That does sound interesting." Said Misaki.

"It is not. In the Templars greedy hands, they could conquer the world." Said Jason. "And how can you help with my mission and the Assassin's?"

"By using my powers, I can get info your buddies that are having a hard time getting. The types of info about the Templar leaders names, and and their motives." Said Misaki.

"And? What else?" asked Jason.

"And help you find clues to anything related to this piece of Eden. So what do you say Jason? Deal?" asked Misaki as she hold out her hand to Jason.

Jason grabbed her hand and shook it. "Deal" Said Jason. And with that, a partnership was forged.

Jason has learned that their are five powerful Templars in Academy City. One of them is the Grand Master. He runs into Misaki again in his civilian disguise. Misaki offers to help Jason in his mission. Jason accepts her help.


With Jason...................

Misaki and Jason finished their meals at that restaurant and pay for their food. After that, Misaki released the people that she was controlling and those people begin to enter the restaurant they left. They are currently at the park sitting on a bench.

"So, I don't suppose that you got some info on one of the Templars higher ups that are in this city before meeting me at that restaurant?" asked Jason.

"As a matter in fact I did. I was able to.... read some Templar thugs minds and gathered some info about this certain Templar." Said Misaki.

"And who is this person?" asked Jason.

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