The Investigation Part 1

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Last Time On Academy Assassin's.............

Suddenly, something striked into a exposed part of his armor on his shoulder, causing Hunter to let out a pain sound. This cause him to let go of Mikoto and Misaki. Hunter looked at his shoulder to see a knife was thrown into his shoulder.

"What! Who did that!?" asked Hunter

He turned around to see Jason back on his feet, and has his eyes super narrowed at Hunter in 100% fury.

"You!?" asked Hunter.

Jason didn't say anything as he charged at Hunter and grabbed him by his arms and spin him around and tossed him away from the girls.

"This boy's fury..... I never felt anything like it before." Said Hunter.

Jason then jumped onto Hunter and begin punching him in his face, about a hundred times. A tooth was knocked out from his mouth.

Jason then picked him up and tossed him to the stone walls. Hunter was at that moment, scared for his life for the first time.

Jason jumped onto the stone pedestal and used it to leap in the air towards Hunter. In the air he had his right hand back and has left hand out in a eagle grab formation.

Once his left and hand grabbed Hunter by his neck, his Hidden Blade activated and stabbed Hunter in his neck. Hunter fall down to his back as he was killed by Jason.

Jason slowly got up and calmed down as his rage was gone for the moment. Jason walked away from the dead Hunter. He didn't even bother to look at the girls.

"I am sorry you had to see that." Said Jason as he walked to the wall the girls were next to and pushed up against it to reveal a secret entrance as the stone part of that wall swing open like a door.

"Jason......... Are you okay?" asked Mikoto

"I am not. You just saw me do that and you know who I really am. A murder in your eyes." Said Jason.

"But..........." Said Mikoto.

"It doesn't matter what you say. I will always know that you think of me as a killer." Said Jason.

"I don't." Said Mikoto.

"What?" asked Jason.

"It is what you were told to do right? Take the Templars down? I guess I can understand at least the reason why." Said Mikoto.

"Thank you Mikoto." Said Jason as he suddenly hugged her for about three seconds.

"Your welcome Jason." Said Mikoto

He then begin to walk into the secret exit with the girls. This way lead them back to the surface, as they came out through a sewer manhole cover in a alleyway.

Jason looked at the sky to see that it is still night time. "Looks like you girls can head back to your dorms with some time left to spare." Said Jason

"So what will you do now?" Asked Mikoto

"I will head back to my my Creed base in this city and have them take a look at this notebook. Then I will get back to hunting Templars." Said Jason.

"But are you going to be okay?" asked Misaki

"Of course. After all, I was trained for this." Said Jason with a smile. He pulled up his hood over his head. His jet back then activate and as he flied away from the girls. The girls smiled as they watched him leave in style

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