Kuroko Shirai

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Last Time on Academy Assassin's.............

He saw the dead bodies of the Templar thugs and saw a damaged cargo container. "What in the hell has happened here!?" yelled Charles.

"I did." Said Jason as his voice echo in the Switchyard.

"Where are you!?" asked Charles as he yelled out to the person responsible for this.

Suddenly, his two bodyguards went limb as they were struck by some throwing knifes. When Charles turned around to see this, he was panicking.

He then heard the sound of someone jumping from a metal surface. He turned around just in time to see Jason getting close to him and stabbing him in his neck.

He fell to his back as he look at the Assassin who has striked him down, as Jason was looking down at him..

"Curse you Assassin and all of your kind!! You just can't help but get involved in matters that doesn't concern you!" Said Charles.

"With no one daring to stop you and your buddies, someone has got to do the right thing." Said Jason as he walked around Charles slowing dying body.

"You think you are so clever." Charles let out a cough. "Just because you have took me down, it doesn't mean you have stop the Grand Master plans."

"Maybe you should let a little bit of light on that subject. Is the piece of Eden really here in this City?" asked Jason.

"Yes.... it is...." Charles made some more coughs as he could hardly breath. "I have discovered the first clue on its were about to the tomb or some kind of hidden room that will have the exact location of the this device. But I couldn't decipher it." Charles begin to laugh weakly.

"It so sad. My master would have been pleased." Said Charles.

Jason grabbed him by his collar. "Where is it?" asked Jason.

"In my... pocket............" Those were his finale words as he died right there. Jason let go of Charles as he begin to search his pockets.

He found a paper in his pants pockets and put it in own pockets. Not wanting to stick around much longer, he fired his grabbing hook to the tallest building and begin to launch himself up there.

"That takes care of that. One Templar target down. Only four more to go." Said Jason.

He was about to get out of the area when something stopped him. Or someone to be exact.

"HEY!" Said a female voice.

'Uh oh.' thought Jason.

Jason turned around to see she a pig tail hair girl wearing a school uniform, same on that Misaki wears, and has a Judgment page around her arm. Kuroko Shirai.

 Kuroko Shirai

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