The Investigation Part 2

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Last Time Academy Assassin's......

He pressed his thumb against it as it begin to play something. "Open the door. Open the door. The person you obey is at the door." The audio recorder was playing back its message it was recording. The voice that was coming out of it was a female voice.

"I think I know what truly happened here." Said Jason.

He activated his Eagle Vision to see a image of Uiharu holding the flower as she walked in her room. "Uiharu returned back to her room with the flower she got from that strange person." Said Jason.

He then sees another image of Uiharu smelling the flower. "And just like any curious being, she must have wanted to know what the flower smelled like." Said Jason

He then saw another image to see Uiharu in a zombie like trance. "What ever is in this modified flower, it is working like the Devils Breath would and Uiharu become under the effects." Said Jason

He then saw the image of Uiharu walking to the door to open it. "Who's voice was on that message, Uiharu followed the instructions. The person who was on the other side of the door must been the same person who gave her the flower or the person in question that was heard on that message." Said Jason.

"Then they must have took of Uiharu flower head band and tossed it on top of her bed." Said Jason as he sees a mysterious figure image picking up Uiharu flower head band and tossed it to the top of the bunk bed.

"Then this mysterious person must have ordered Uiharu to follow him or her." Said Jason as he turned off his Eagle Vision and concluded what has happened here.

"You mean this was all planed to get her?" asked Saten

"Yes. And I have some conclusion who ever did this, must done to the missing students as well." Said Jason

"Uiharu could be anywhere by now! In the hands of the one responsible and with the others that are missing." Said Saten

Jason placed a hand on her shoulder to reassure her. "I will do everything I can to find the one responsible for this and save your friend." Said Jason.

He turned around as he had a angry look on his face. "And when I find the one responsible, they will pay." Said Jason as he tighten his right hand into a fist.

He walked over to the door to open it and walked out of Uiharu room. He then jumped over the railing and his jet pack activated. He and Sharp begin to fly in the air. Saten manage to exit just in time to see Jason flying in the air.

"Please do." Said Saten as she whispered that part to herself as she prays that Uiharu will come back safe.

Some of the students of Academy City from different schools are missing. Jason friend Sharp has arrived to help. Jason has discovered Uiharu is missing. Jason had concluded that whoever is responsible has Uiharu and the other missing students. Can Jason find Uiharu and the missing students and figure out who is responsible.


With Jason.........

"It doesn't make sense." Said Jason as he was looking over the streets as he was standing near the edge of a tall building.

He has sent Sharp to scout the area from the area to see if he can see anything that looks suspicious. Meanwhile, Jason is looking down at the streets to see if he can see anything unusual.

"Why would anyone want to go after a bunch of school students and Uiharu?" Said Jason. He then shook his head to get that question out of his head.

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