Finding The Next Clue Part Two

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Last Time on Academy Assassin's.......

"I just want to know what or who you really are and why you have to sneak in my school at night? And why did you have to keep this a secret from me or my friends?" asked Mikoto

"Why don't I show you?" asked Jason. "Just give me a second."

He turned on his Eagle Vision to see a bookshelf on the third floor glowing yellow. He fired his grabbing hook to that floor. Once he approach it, he pulled on one of the books.

The floor Mikoto and Misaki are on, right infront of them, a large square part of the floor begin to move as it begin to move down a little bit and slide into the ground. What it was hiding was a hidden staircase going down.

"Whoa." Said Mikoto.

"I know right." Said Misaki.

Jason then landed right next to them. He begin to walk down the steps only stop to look back at the girls.

"You girls are coming or not?" asked Jason.

This caused them to snap out of their shock state and begin to follow Jason down the hidden entrance.

Once they were far down into the secret entrance, the entrance begin to close up to hide it again. It was now completely dark in the secret stair case. Making it hard to see.

"I can't see!" Said Mikoto

"Just move carefully. We don't want to accidentally bump into each other." Said Jason.

"Ah! Something was touching my shoulder!!" Said Misaki

"Um.... that was me." Said Mikoto. "Sorry."

"Please don't do that again. I think my heart almost stopped for a second." Said Misaki.

"Hold on. I think I got something in my belt pockets to help to shed some light in here." Said Jason

"Whats down here?" asked Mikoto.

Jason pulled something out of one of his belt pockets and bend as it light begin to shine in this tunnel. The thing in Jason hand is a blue glowing stick

"Better?" Asked Jason

"Yes." Said the girls.

"Then follow me." Said Jason as they continue to walk down the staircase.

Jason has learned that the document that he got from the Templar Charles was actually coordinates to the first clue to the Piece Of Eden. Jason had to sneak into Tokiwadai Middle School at night to find the secret entrance. Mikoto has discovered Jason secret and has brought Misaki along with her. They now walk into the secret entrance, with no one knowing what is waiting for them down there.


With Jason...............

"How much longer? My legs are getting tired." Said Misaki as she was tired of walking down the steps.

"I think just a few more steps. Just be patience." Said Jason as he continue to use his glow stick to light the way they are going.

Suddenly, the glow stick stopped glowing. "What the....." Said Jason as he tried to shake it to get it working again.

"Great. Just great." Said Jason.

"What happened?" asked Mikoto.

"Must have pulled out a faulty one. Just give me some time and I can fix this." Said Jason.

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