Assassin's Second Strike!

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Last Time on Academy Assassin's...............

Jason walked up to the warehouse slide doors and begin to push them apart to get inside. What he finds inside of this warehouse has caught him by surprise.

"Oh my god." Said Jason.

In this warehouse, their were about 100 or maybe even thousands of the modified plants just like the one he found in Uiharu room.

He approach one to see a label beneath it to it has a name printed on it. And the other modified plants have a label as well.

"These names on the labels........ their meant for other students in Academy City." Said Jason.

Jason continued to look around the warehouse until he saw a desk with a stack of paper on it. Jason walked over to it and grabbed the papers and begin to read what is printed on it.

It looks like the Templars were modifying the flowers to increase the effects on it. To make the flower produce a smell that is completely identical to the Devils Breath drug. And to make the effects last a lot longer than the drug is suppose to be." Said Jason as he read what looks like data of the modified flower on the paper.

On the next page, he saw a list of students on it. "It looks like they were only targeting these students on this list. Wait a minute...... Uiharu is on this list!" Said Jason.

"And what is this title on this page? 'List of Academy City Students........ Computer hackers'!?" said Jason as he read the title on the page he was reading.

"Uiharu is good with computers? Wait. That is not important! Whats important right now is the real clue that is been right underneath my nose this entire time!" Said Jason

"The disappearance of students were not random. There were targeted because of......" Said Jason

"Because they were gifted students. They have abilities to either hack or are completely good with computers." Said a female voice as it echoed in the warehouse.

Jason put down the paper to look around to try to find who said that. "Who's there?" asked Jason

"Haha. I am not here exactly. But I can see you, sneaking into one of my warehouses." Said the female voice.

"What do you mean?" asked Jason

"I can see you on one of my security cameras that can see and hear you talking. As for how you can hear me, their are speakers in that warehouse that allows me to speak to you." Said the Female Voice.

"So your a Templar huh? One of the four remaining leaders that is trying to control this city?" asked Jason

"Yes. My name is Rebecca." Said Rebecca.

"Where are you? I demand that you release the girl named Uiharu!" Said Jason.

"If you want her. You best come find me. I am in a different warehouse in District 17. Good luck trying to find me Assassin." Said Rebecca before it went quiet.

Jason furiously begins to walk out of the warehouse and took the skies with Sharp flying right next to him. 'No matter what. I am going to save the students, free Uiharu and kill you Templar!' Thought Jason

Jason has learned the truth from the gardener. Jason has arrived at the warehouse to see tons of more modified flowers. He has learned the name of his next Templar target. Can he save Uiharu and the other students and kill this Templar?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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