Repercussions [Chapter 42]

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I slowly walk through the dungeon, back to the portal and pop my knuckles and neck. I take a quick look at myself to notice I'm covered in dried blood and that my clothes are ripped up pretty badly. I put on the ring and gauntlets I got as a reward and walk through. As I exit the cave, I see everyone restraining Vex and everyone yelling. They don't even see me, so I sigh and stomp my foot. A shockwave knocks everyone back and the ground crushes under my foot.

I see everyone staring at me, shocked and confused. Several people look at each other, then back to me. Arthur walks up, a bead of sweat rolling down his cheek, and lays his hand on my shoulder.

"Dante, how did you escape the dungeon? Did you find a way out? Or can you just leave an X-Class dungeon whenever you want?"

He asks as I glare at him.

"Who pushed me into the gate?"

I ask calmly as Vex speaks up.

"It was one of the guys from The Reapers. I tried to go in after you, but they wouldn't let me."

He says as I push Arthur aside, his feet dragging through the ground.

"And how long was I in there?"

I ask while walking towards the man with the skull mask. Vex speaks up again.

"About a second. They just quickly grabbed me and started shouting that you were as good as dead, then you immediately walked out."

He replies as the man with the skull mask pulls out 2 daggers from behind his back.

"Dante, I'm not sure what kind of trick you used to escape the dungeon, but you still won't be strong enough to defeat me."

He says confidently as I hold out my hand.

[Telekinesis 10].

I watch his body float off the ground as he laughs and throws his dagger at my face. It hits my cheek, but instantly bounces off.

[-2,000 HP]
[+2,000 HP]

His laughs quickly become muffled yelling as he floats higher and higher. I release him once he's about a mile off the ground. I stand under where he is and hold HexCalibur straight up and smile. After a few seconds, his other guild members run over and start attacking me, but I still just hold the sword straight up.

"You're starting to annoy me, get lost."

I say angrily as they continue to attack me and attempt to pull me away from where he's falling. As he starts getting closer, I notice he's fallen further from me than I initially thought. I quickly jump forward, then straight up several hundred feet and slice him in half.

"[Teleport 2]."

I instantly appear back infront of his other guild members and glare down at them. One starts to run away, but I jam my sword through his head before he can take a full step away from me. I swing my sword through the side of his head, almost taking his head off in the process. The force sends his body about 20 feet back as he rolls to a stop, blood pouring from the massive chunk missing from his skull.

"Y-you're a monster!"

The other member yells as I quickly grab his throat with my free hand and smile.

"And who do you blame for why I'm this way?"

I ask calmly as he starts punching me in the face, but no damage numbers appear. I sigh and crush his throat before throwing his body over a hundred feet away. Merlin suddenly leans over and vomits. Arthur quickly runs over.

"Merlin! What's wrong?!"

He yells, clearly concerned.

"That isn't Dante. There's no way. No way. No way."

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