{1} Pretty Please

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For the people who don't know:

Kryoz - John

Smii7y -Jaren

(Y/N)- Yourself


CHAPTER ONE - Pretty Please

     "(Y/N)!"  John whines, his voice rings out once again. It's been a constant since I picked up this call.

     "Sorry John, I really can't do this." The words have become weaker from from the constant refusal. The more he tries to convince me, the more my anxiety pounds in my chest, its intensity escalating until it feels like the phone itself could pick up the sound.

     "The party isn't until next week! That means we have a week to get you prepared but not when you waste time dwindling on it like a dumbass!" I scoff playfully and he laughs. "Ok, I take that aggression back, but I'm still serious! I can and will help you. What can I do to get you to agree to come with!" He groans.

    "John..." John, A guy I met years and years ago while I was playing a match of CSGO. John's super appropriate sayings to woman really caught my attention and just so happened to spark a friendship between us. At first, it was all banter and jokes, but soon it blossomed into a pact of complete trust and transparency. It took a lot of chatting on Discord, but once I earned his trust, he introduced me to his life on Youtube.

     My thoughts? It sounded like a blast.

     After I knew who Kryoz was (and proved that I wasn't weird about it), he began to include me within his work. He let me sit in on his recording sessions, showed me all the editing and various other tasks that goes into every video, and even taught me how to edit clips myself! After all that, John really wanted to introduce me to his friends, all the people he records with. 

     ...I said no.

     It's not that I didn't want to meet them! Literally every single one of them had a sense of humor that could keep me laughing for hours on end. That being said, the mere thought of being thrust into a call with outspoken Youtubers, individuals who literally get paid to have engaging and hilarious conversations, is daunting. Even with Johns help, none of this is going to happen. I'm just too shy. 

     When I told John my concerns, he thankfully respected them and didn't press me further. I however didn't take into consideration how long it would take them to notice me

     After laughing a little to hard at one of the boy's joke, now all his friends refer to me as John's bestie (His words not mine, although its true). They always will make a point to say hi if they hear me laughing from John's phone. But apart from that, that's about all the contact I have with them. 

     John once forced me to hold up a conversation with Scotty, aka Fourzer0seven. It was a RUDE prank and I voiced that to him for days after it happened. He tried to defend himself, saying he thought my shyness was an act, he was wrong, he apologized. The conversation with Scotty went.....well? There was more awkward silence than actual talking but hey, at least I survived. 

     Foolishly, about an hour ago, I let it slip I had no plans for this holiday; and now here we are. John and I arguing back and forth as he tries to persuade me to talk to his friends again. This time, it's not over a Discord call but instead, IN REAL LIFE. He's relentless, trying to convince me to go to Tyler's (Wildcats) annual Fourth of July party. He isn't taking no for an answer. 

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