Chapter 11

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I don't know what kind of abnormal she is. I had thought seer, the green in her eyes were more noticeable then the brown when she would look behind me at whatever I thought she could "see". But seeing those feathers and feeling the mysterious weight on my back, I wasn't so sure.

Maybe she was some type of illusionist. I have never heard of one but I'm sure it was possible.

That would make the feathers I saw disappear make sense. Wouldn't really explain the weight I felt, but maybe she had some kind of trick to convince my mind that I felt it.

"That's your door", Kira pointed out.

I had asked her to walk me to class so I would know where I was going.

That's was a lie

I'll admit it, it's was truthfully so I would know where to meet her after class to walk her to our next one, and to make sure she didn't talk to many other guys.

Me and my beast's protective instincts roused just at the thought of another guy's hands touching what's ours.

Kira gave a little wave as she went in her classroom. I was already looking forward to seeing her again.

I ducked into my classroom and looked for a seat far away from the other students. Luckily the class wasn't very full, so I picked a seat in the top left-hand corner.

Immediately some girl slid into the seat next to me, I turned slightly towards her to meet her eyes. After seeing the lust and greed in her gaze I turned back away.

They weren't the hazel eyes I was craving to look into.

"Hi, I noticed you're the new student. I just wanted to come over and introduce myself, I'm Audrey."

Considering she wasn't Kira or an abnormal, I just ignored her. I wasn't here to make friends.

She didn't even look hurt at my brush off, if anything more determined. "I'm also wanted you to know I'm free to give you a tour around school, and the town. I'll always be free for you." She sent me what she probably thought was a seductive wink.

I didn't want her, I just wanted Kira. It was probably unhealthy for me to think of Kira this much, it bordered on obsession.

"I already have a guide." I growled at Audrey.

That seemed to crack her facade, "Who is it? I'll tell them that I'm taking you around now." 

No way.

"Kira, but don't you dare talk to her." I threatened.

"Kira? Ohh Kira, that's the fat bitch in the back of my English class."

Fat? Kira was perfect. Her long, curly brown hair looked so soft and smelled so good. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel that was changing constantly. Sure, she had a bit more fluff on her than Aubrey, but it filled her out in all the right places and made her beautiful.

I straightened up, "If I ever hear you talk bad about her again, it will be the last thing you talk about." My beast was coming out a little so my threat was a bit more intimidating then i meant it to be.

Audrey finally took the hint and got up. "You might be new here, but you'll eventually figure out who runs this show. And that Kira bitch will only bring you down."

I could care less, I had only met Kira today but I could tell she was genuine. Even my beast liked her, and he hates everyone.

She blushed at anything that would take a look at her for longer than 2 seconds. I would know, I stared at her a whole class period and she had slowly gotten redder and redder.

I don't know exactly what the council wants to do to her. And I'm not turning her in till I know. None of the other abnormals I have turned in have made me second-guess the council's actions, maybe it's because I'm thinking my time to take this mysterious tested is coming soon.

Either way, Kira was mine until I knew what the council was up to.

Even then she will be mine.

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