It's pretty bad when you're so obsessed with a girl you resort to spying on her.
Truthfully, the librarian didn't tell me where Kira lived like I had told her. I had followed her to her house to learn the layout for what I'm calling WCP, worst case possible, aka having to resort to kidnapping her.
And maybe to creepily watch her.
But her windows had shades so I couldn't see her clearly, just the shadow of her form.
That was probably for the best anyway.
I might like to think I would do the right thing by looking away from her while she was dressing, but if I'm honest I'm a weak man and most likely would crack and take a peek to gaze upon her beauty.
And that is what would make me a true creep.
And before I knew it, weeks had passed.
Weeks of spending every spare second with Kira, when she wasn't with Seth. My beast growled just at the thought of him around my Kira. We both knew he wouldn't be into Kira, but we couldn't help but be jealous of another man, that wasn't us, taking up her time.
Kira was really opening up and starting to relax around me, our paintings were even starting to get closer to finished, we were almost ready to start the backgrounds. If we stuck around long enough to turn in the project, I might have to kidnap her before then.
I knew my time was running low to bring Kira in before they sent 'help' but I didn't want to ruin our growing relationship yet.
In fact, I still needed to ask her about what her abnormal abilities even were, and what she could do with them. I didn't really notice her use her abilities much unless she was mad at someone -usually me- then she would reach behind me and I would hurt. I didn't even have a guess anymore on what her abilities could do.
I just really didn't want to give her up.
I knew the real reason I hadn't asked her yet was I didn't want to lose her. Once I exposed to her I knew she was an abnormal, I would have to act quick. Sometimes my missions would try and run, scared I was going to bring them in to the government and get experimented on.
I was bringing them to the government, just not the one they were afraid of.
This one was worse.
The Council had no empathy, only greed, power, and self-gain lead them forward.
I had been 'fetched' when I was young enough that the Council ruled that with my abilities and young age it would be in their best interest to train me to be a fetcher for them. To help increase their power.
So, I had been doing these missions for many, many years.
I have never seen them in person, they usually contact me via mail with the town name, age, and gender for the person they wanted, then the paper would slowly disintegrate within 2 minutes from being exposed to the air after opened.
If you didn't memorize it within those two minutes, you were fucked. They would just then send the same message to another 'fetcher' (that's what we were called because the Council would send us out to 'fetch' abnormals) however if you had memorized it, but were too slow at collecting them, the second 'fetcher' would have to also bring you in for a punishment.
By punishment you either had to take the mysterious test or spend more time with their 'trainers'.
Either way Kira would end up being brought before the Council by me or another fetcher.
And it would be by me. She was mine
Wow, my beast was possessive even over the thought of anyone else bringing her anywhere that wasn't with us. Even if it was somewhere we never wanted her to go.
It was the last period of the day and I was tired of worrying about the Council, I sighed in frustration and scrubbed my hands across my face. Kira shot me a look of confusion in the seat next to mine.
What's wrong? She mouthed.
I just shook my head and waved her off her question.
She shrugged but turned and faced forward again.
Just in time to get hit by a spitball right in the back of her head.
I shot to my feet in anger. I was already on edge and this just pushed me over. My beast took full control of my body and sent his strength into my muscles, causing me to swell almost twice my size.
"Who did that?" I forced out the question through gritted teeth.
The class was dead-silent in face of my anger, all except Aubrey and the boy she was whispering to beside her. She was staring at me while he burst into laughter at her side.
I saw what was used to throw the spitball at Kira in his hand and in a split second stood over him.
He looked up at me and gulped in fear at my expression. I grabbed him by his throat, pushed his head on the desk and leaned over to put my mouth beside his ear.
"I'll only tell you this once. If I catch you looking, speaking, or thinking about doing anything Kira again, I'll end your sorry excuse of a life." I gave his throat another tight squeeze until he gasped for breath then let him drop to the floor.
No one moved till the teacher finally snapped out of it, "Domick! To principals office, now!"
I calmly stepped over the guy and I looked over at Kira on my way out the door, her mouth was wide open with shock.
But just before the door closed I swear I saw her lips raise into the tiniest smile.

Dark Wings (Dark World #1)
RomanceDomick slid into the seat next to me and looked over. "Did you see how he was looking at you?" What? "H-he's not even my friend, just a partner sometimes." I managed to stammer out. "Trust me, he wanted to be more than just a partner." Domick sneere...