She was finally at my place with me. In my bed, not Seth's.
At the moment I was standing above her, looking down at her sleeping figure in my bed. I guess I haven't quite stopped my days of creeping over her just yet.
But it satisfied me and my inner beasts' primal instincts to see her surrounded by my little belongings.
As if she belonged among them, making them smell more like her, and her smell more like me.
We hadn't quite discussed our sleeping arrangements, she had pretty much just stated she was tired then flopped on my bed and promptly passed out.
So, I wasn't sure if I should do the gentlemanly thing by sleeping on the couch or listen to my beasts' urgings and just hop in and snuggle up beside her.
She was far enough on the edge I could just slip in right next to her.
I shook my head at myself in disgust at my weak will but froze when I saw she was starting to stir awake.
She rolled over and sleepily looked up at my position over her with glazed eyes, "Come on, just hop on beside me, my dear stalker."
So sarcastic, even when half-asleep.
My lips raised up in a tiny smile as I slid in beside her. Kira had fallen back asleep by then but still threw her arm over me and laid her head on my shoulder as I got under the covers with her.
I threw my other, non-trapped arm over her, succumbed to my urge to snuggle against her, and fell asleep with her scent in my nose.
I wish we could do this every night, hell, every day if she'd let me.
But when I woke up, she was gone.
I shoot up out of bed. Where did she go?
My closet door wasn't shut completely like I had left it. So most likely she was searching through my rooms, probably for the bathroom.
That thought calmed me down a bit, but I still rushed out of my room to locate her.
"Kira?" I called out.
No response.
She didn't possibly leave, did she?
Her bag was still beside the couch, and I don't think she would leave without it, but where was Kira? I was starting to get concerned.
I searched everywhere possible for her, with no luck. I even checked the bathroom for evidence that she had used it, and she had.
There were water droplets still in the sinks wash bowl proving she had recently used it.
But where did she go after that?
I peeked outside of my front door just to see if she was still around if she had left and inhaled in frustration at seeing nobody. Kira's smell of chocolate was still lingering, but along with someone else's.
I frowned and inhaled deeper.
It smells like... is that, Nick?
Shit, that means the Council got him to bring her in, they probably even have her at this point.
I rushed around the house to pack my things into a bag, then grabbed Kira's bag in case we needed to make a run for it, just to be safe.
This place I was living in right now was just a safe house that I stayed in because the Council had sent me here. So, all the furnishings were theirs, not mine.
I hopped into my car and sped off to the place I was sure Nick had taken her to. The park shed.
I left the bags in the car but brought along my knives, guns were just too much of a hassle and too loud while knives usually went by undetected.
Slowly, my body had been growing in size from the adrenaline pumping through my veins because of the urge to find and make sure Kira was alright.
The door was shut on the shed when I got there but opened once the sign turned blue from my blood pricked fingerprint.
Once inside I looked around the park care tools, until I caught the tell-tale sign thats on the second button to push in order for the hidden stairway to open and be revealed. It seemed cleaner in here than normal.
Finally, I slowed my hurried pace in order for me to be silent going down the stairs.
The Council usually only traveled out of their main base to these little bases when something major was going on. And all the lights were on, unlike how it usually was, and everything seemed to look like it was attempted to be picked up and cleaner. Meaning they were most likely here, for whatever reason.
Small bases like this usually just had the bare necessities needed for a fort, some rooms, armory, canteen, and training area.
Unlike their home base, that was like a five star hotel hidden underground.
I wasn't quite sure where Kira would be and where to start, considering all the doors I would have to open in order to find out. At that rate there would be a very high risk of me getting caught.
But I needed to save Kira somehow, no matter the risk.
Once i reached the end of the stairs I decided to sneak towards the canteen, Nick seemed to like her enough that he would probably get her food to give her at least one last good experience.
At least they better not be starving her.
No one was walking in the hallways, so my use of stealth was unneeded, and I quickly reached the eating area.
I immediately reached my body's maximum size in protective instincts when I saw what was going on.
Kira was sitting at a table and laughing.
Not only with Nick, who is a dead man when I get my hands on him, but also with another man.
That I'm pretty sure is the President of the Council.
Hey peeps, sorry for the longer wait, it's been a hectic week.Anyway... Bum, bum, BUM!!
We finally made it into the secret Illuminati, um, *cough*, I mean Council base. Teehee😸😹
Till next chapter...😽😻😻😸

Dark Wings (Dark World #1)
RomanceDomick slid into the seat next to me and looked over. "Did you see how he was looking at you?" What? "H-he's not even my friend, just a partner sometimes." I managed to stammer out. "Trust me, he wanted to be more than just a partner." Domick sneere...