Chapter 2: Trapped

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" It's cold", Ciel remarked bluntly as he walked down a dark alleyway by himself. 

" I hope this plan of his works," Ciel rolled his eyes and walked down the alleyway with one cane in hand. Sebastian was no where near him. 

The plan was for Ciel to be caught of the crimson band by himself to see where their lair was. Even though Ciel was doing it.. he wasn't to very fond of the plan.

" Ahh help me!" A girls voice could be heard a little far further down the alley way. 

" Hm?" Ciel rushed forward a little bit only to see a girl sitting against the alley way wall with blonde hair, ( F/C/E ), and a red dress with a red top hat. She also had very pale skin.

" ankle..." The girl winced and pointed towards it. 

" Who are you and how did this happen?" Ciel knelt down towards her ankle and examined it. It was very red and a little puffy but didn't seem to be too bad. 

" name is Amelia... i'm the daughter of the post card company....and I don't know what happened. I was walking down a street searching for my maid... when everything turned black and I woke up here with my ankle sprained." 

Ciel thought for a second. He wanted to continue down with his plan... however he couldn't ignore the fact that Amelia needed help. He sighed and thought, " I'll just have to keep the plan for another day..."

Quickly, Ciel lifted Amelia up by wrapping and arm around her waist and letting her place an arm around his neck. " My name is Ciel Phantomhive by the way." 

The girl's face lit up for a second as if she had just found a lost toy. " Oh my, I know you."

Ciel only nodded for a second before turning both ways down the alley. " I suppose i'll take you down the way I came. It'll bring us out to a crowded street where we can get you medical help."


"No?" Ciel scoffed his head to the side curiously.

" I mean the way I came is much shorter than the distance it will take to go down the way you came." Amelia nervously said.

" Are you certain of that? I thought you randomly woke up here. So how do you know how long it is from here to the other side of this alley path?"

Amelia said, " Iv'e been down this alley countless times before." 

It took Ciel a moment to process this decision, but went along with it. " Very well then."


" I'm beginning to think this way is the longer way." Ciel rolled his eyes tryingly. 

" I..i'm sorry... I guess I was wron..." Amelia stopped talking and pointed to a metal door at the left side of the brick alley wall.

" We can go in there! might lead us through a shop and to the street." Amelia smiled and looked at Ciel.

Ciel frowned and didn't like the sound of going through a mysterious door. This whole thing seemed fishy to him.

" Pretty please? My ankle is unbearable! I want to get out of here as soon as possible."

Ciel gave off a heavy sigh and said, " Ok fine then."

Ciel trudged on over to the door, still holding on to Amelia, and tried opening the door handle. To his surprise, it was unlocked and opened up with ease. " Hm.." Ciel opened the door wide and stepped inside.

Secrets, death, runaways, and demons!? ( Book two: Ciel x reader )Where stories live. Discover now