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"Se-Ri! I was so worried! I just saw all- "His voice is a bit rushed and his breathing is heavy on the phone. "Are you alright Jeong Hyeok-ssi?" I ask cutting him mid-sentence, panic colouring my voice.
"Where are you Seri? Are you safe?" He asks, his voice low and urgent.

"I'm still at the office. I am absolutely fine. Why are you worried? Did something happen?" I enquire.
"Yes. I just came home but someone was here before. Were you expecting a visitor?"
I am horrified. "No! My family is not in the country. Other than that, no one knows my address. How can someone enter my home? I have a strong security system!" My voice was rising with each sentence as dread filled my heart. "What if they are still inside Ri Jeong Hyeok? Get outside now! I will call the police", I whisper apprehensively. 
"No one is here now Seri. No need to call the police. I have already checked the apartment thoroughly. Stay at your office I am on my way to you."

The call gets disconnected and I fall down weakly on the chair. Suddenly I remember Mr. Lee is still in my office. His face as white as sheet.

I sigh and put my face in my hands. We sit in silence as we wait for Ri Jeong Hyeok. Mr. Lee's breath was ragged and heavy. My head still stumped in my hands.  It is going to be a long night.

Twenty minutes later, Ri Jeong Hyeok is in my cabin. I am still sitting weakly in my chair and Mr. Lee is like a statue now with unblinking eyes and a drained face.
His arrival brings me some comfort. At least I am not alone in my battles now.

I fill in all that has happened in the past few hours. I rush through it as fast as I can. Mr. Lee is losing his face colour as the clock ticks. Ri Jeong Hyeok examines the deed papers brought in by Mr. Lee.

"What if we insert a few clauses in this? It will buy us a few more hours and I will save the child. I just need to know where he has been hidden." Jeong Hyeok-ssi asks Mr. Lee.
Finally Mr. Lee speaks up. His eyes are blank and his face looks like he has just seen a ghost.
"Ms. Go Sang-ah said if I could bring back the papers signed, my child would be returned unharmed. If I fail to do so, I will never find out where my child is. We can try altering the papers but if she catches us she might do something unspeakable to my child. " His voice broke down by the end.
"I will sign the papers. I don't care what ever has been written on them anymore. I will find a way to save my company later on. The life of an innocent child is more important that my wealth." I speak with as much strength as I can muster. I speak with my heart. Though my company is everything to me, yet I can build up something else just like I did it once. I will survive this loss. But Mr. Lee will positively die if he loses his child. No parent can bear that loss. I cannot have the blood of two innocent lives on my hand. All this is my mess and I fully intend to clean it. Ri Jeong Hyeok looks up at me with a confused expression.

"I know you will Se-Ri, but there is something I don't understand. There is no mention of Seri's Choice anywhere in the contract. But yes, she wants you to transfer all the stocks of your father's company to her name."

"Why would she want that? She has had no prior stocks in my father's company. Even if I transfer mine to her name, still it won't be enough to take-over the company. This seems suspicious. She went over such an extent to pull off a task which doesn't result in her winning over!"

"Maybe she doesn't want the company. Maybe this is a distraction?"

"Distraction from what? She was always after my company. When given the chance to snatch it from me she backtracks like a coward?"

"She is too ruthless to be called a coward. Mr. Lee, where were you supposed to take the signed papers?" Asks Ri Jeong Hyeok.

"I don't know yet. I was told the location will be texted to me tonight at midnight."

My eyes darts to the clock. It is 8 pm now. We still have four hours to figure out Go Sang-Ah's next moves. But until now, all that has happened is unexpected. Break-in in my highly secured apartment, kidnapping of an innocent child and stocks of my father's company held as ransom. I am still not able to figure out where this is going.

Ri Jeong Hyeok also looks deep in thought. Mr. Lee has collapsed in a sofa, defeat colouring his face. Whatever happens, the innocent child will not be harmed I will make sure of it. I vow to myself to clear this mess whatsoever.

This is a battle, so I will act accordingly. I need to deploy all my forces. I have decided to call up all my renters from the downtown who were given free accommodation when they helped us last time. They have warmed up to me quite a lot and are always ready to help me out because they know they can trust me. And I know I can trust them this time too.

I tell Ri Jeong Hyeok of my plans. His eyes are focused and he looks deep in thought. He tells me to go ahead and make the call. Meanwhile, he says he knows someone from the North here, who will be of our help.

This takes me by surprise. The squad is in the North and I feel that involving Seo Dan's mother and Uncle who are here is highly risky.

"It is neither of them. There is someone else here from the North. But since it is a highly secret mission, I should not be giving out the details. But rest assured, that person is one of the most elite commandos of our country and also happens to be a childhood friend. I went out in the evening to make contact with her. She must have already gotten my message. I am sure I will hear from her any minute now."

Her?! Who is this woman I have never heard of? A pang of irrational jealousy hits me. I know this is not the right time and I trust Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi completely. But I also know for a fact that we have no future together. Just two weeks every year with your partner is not the kind of life anyone would want.

For now, I will push these thoughts away and concentrate on the matter at hand. The mystery of this unknown woman will have to wait. Too much confusion has happened over the past few hours now.

I decide to start making calls to my renters. They need to be ready at a short moments notice. Go Sang-Ah may call upon any moment now. Ri Jeong Hyeok was sitting with Mr. Lee trying his best to give him some hope as well as come up with a strategy.

Amid couple of calls later, Ri Jeong Hyeok's phone buzzed. He nodded at me signalling it was that mysterious woman and excused himself from the room. Why did he have to leave? It is not a private matter. Even I am standing here making calls for the same reason. My irrationality seems to be running wild tonight. I try to stop my silly thoughts. Must be the nerves because I am usually quite well collected. But then again, I have never experienced jealousy ever.

Well I will just have to ask Jeong Hyeok-ssi about this woman when we have sorted out Go Sang-Ah's mess. I cannot let these two women to play with my head. One problem at a time, I sigh to myself and continue making the calls.

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