See you soon

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Before I begin this chapter I just to say First, Rest In Peace George Floyd and so many others who have died in the hands of this crooked system. Second, I've been protesting and if you are too please BE SAFE! and if you aren't I encourage you to find a way to be active in this movement! #blacklivesmatter


Waking up to the ringing of my alarm I loosen the grip from soojin and tried to get off the bed, but Soojin held me back

"I wish you didn't have to go" she lazily said

"Go back to bed" Shuhua murmured.brushing her hair back

"I'm not letting you leave by yourself" she shot back

There was not point in arguing right now "Fine, I need to get changed, so be ready when I get out"

Soojin let go of the hug and I quickly grabbed grey sweats and a black hoodie. My house in Taiwan has everything I need so there wasn't a point in packing plus all I really needed was my phone and headphones.

I dashed to the restroom and changed quickly, looking in the mirror I slapped my face with cold water "Am I ready to leave" I questioned myself , This will be the first time my Dad won't be at the airport waiting for me in Taiwan. My phone started to go off


"Sweaty, have you woken up"

Yes Mom, I just finished getting ready, my plane should arrive around 8

Good, me and your cousin will be there before you

Okay Mom, I will text you when I'm on the plane

Love you see you soon

Love you too

Fuck. My tears started to flow without me realizing it

I wiped them away and got out the restroom



Soojin and the other members were sitting on the couch when Shuhua got out of her room.

"You ready to go" Soyeon asked with a small smile

"W-What are you all doing up" Shuhua said surprisingly

Yuqi got up "Thanks to Soojin here, we all put a alarm on to take you to the airport"

The others members nodded

Shuhua looked at Soojin but quickly looked away once she noticed Soojins stare back

Minnie stood up and hugged Shuhua "why didn't you ask us to acompany you"

"I'm sorry" she quietly said Looking at everyone

Minnie let go of the hug and walked to Miyeon who was opening the front door

Yuqi spoke in a raspy voice "its alright shu, just don't forget you have us to help you"

Shuhua nodded

"Well it's time to go, you ready" Soyeon asked

Shuhua wasn't ready, she was terrified to go home and not see her Dad, it would mean she would have to come to terms with this horrible reality "yea, let's go" Shuhua faintly said causing Soojin to look at her worriedly

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