Day 2

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9:20 (Soojin)

I woke up with a smile , yesterday was so great especially being with Shu.

Just knew our last day here would be better, but first I'm going to make breakfast for the girls, well that's if I'm able to get out of Shuhuas tight ass grip.

Slowly grabbing Shus hand I placed it on her chest, now all I have to do is slowly move left. Moving my legs I used my left arm and slowly got out her reach

"Where do you think you're going" Shuhua said in a deep voice with her eyes slightly open

Shuhuas deep voice is such a.. well you know. I cleared my throat "I'm going to make breakfast" I whispered letting go of the door knob

Shu motioned me to come closer, so I did. She grabbed my chin and leaned up placing her lips on mine

She let go looking in my eyes "now you can go"

"I'll call you when it's done" I tried to say it relaxed because my heart was doing flips and shit, defiantly a turn on in the morning

Turning around I held my chest smiling like crazy, this morning is already starting off great.

Opening the door I quickly closed it I sighed "alright" Walking to the kitchen I noticed Yuqi and Soyeon bickering already

"Hey Soojin let me ask you a question" Yuqi said with her arms crossed

Oh God here we go, I turned around grabbing eggs and waffle mix then turned back around "what is it now Yuqi"

She scrunched her nose "Now do you think it's okay to call a guy hot"

I looked over at Soyeon "Soyeon explain please" I placed the ingredients down

"It's a damn Anime character" she threw a pillow at Yuqi "she's literally Jealous of a anime character"

Of course "Zoro right" Soyeon quickly nodded "Jesus Yuqi he isn't even real, grow some big girl panties and shut it"

Turning the stove on I went ahead to start making the waffles

"I don't care if Zoro isn't real" Yuqi started up again, but this time a little louder

She's really jealous of a anime character,well Soyeon shouldn't have said anything that would trigger her in the first place

Few minutes have passed and Shu opened the door looking at Yuqi who was still blabbering

I stoped what I was doing and watched quietly

"The hell Yuqi" she grabbed her ear and pulled her to our room

Guess that solves it. Looking at the pan and plate I made about 12 waffles and a bunch of scrambled eggs

"Hey Soojin" Soyeon waved in my face
"How are you and Shu" she added

"Everything is great actually, just taking it slow you know the whole courting thing" I rolled my eyes playfully

"Oh ya tell me about it, have you two yyou know.. Done it" she winked evilly

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