Nicha (M) (MinYeon)

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12:20 Miyeon

Days had passed and I found myself in a drought rehearsal weren't my cup of tea since I'd get into moods, especially when I want to do my best, but I find myself stuck in a new song choreography

Simple times for a simple girl, other then I'm not simple and I get my dancing wrong which pretty much means I'll have to train extra and put much more effort and attention to the moves

Seriously I come along way, but I catch myself turning to bad habits.

That's what was going on an hour ago during dance rehearsals, it was like I gave up right when we started.

It made me feel bad and I knew the girls could tell especially Minnie who didn't hesitate to ask if I was alright

Now I'm stuck alone looking at myself in this mirror trying to figure out why I don't feel right doing the dances

"Was it that I didn't get enough sleep or maybe the teasing from the past few days " I thought shaking my head at these ridiculous conceptions

"Fuck Miyeon get it together" I let out in frustration

Replaying i'M THE TREND for the thousand time had made me rather annoyed from the same beat to the same lyrics over and over again

I loved this song, but the choreography had pissed me off to the point where I got warn out by the song

Why couldn't I get it when it's this simple, I don't get it


Snapping out of these engulfing thoughts Minnie stood next to the door with a grocery bag

"You are here" I lightly said holding onto my elbow

She nodded and walked over to a chair placing the grocery bag down "you need me, so here I am"

I did, she of course knew that to well

Looking down I formed a fist "why can't I do this right" I said in a defeating tone

If I'm being honest I feel like crawling up in a ball and just cry out my frustration

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist not to tight but tight enough that it felt comforting

"Don't over think it, I know you aren't satisfied, but you are doing great" Min said in a sincere tone making me forget my worries

Wrapping my arms around her neck I felt myself on the verge of tearing up, I was beating myself and it took a toll on me

"Just let it out" Minnie said caressing my back

"D-Don't let go" I said biting my lip feeling the tears escape my eyes onto her shirt

"You know I won't" she slightly chuckled

As a few minutes passed I was able to gather my thoughts and feelings

That was the effect of Minnie, every time I feel like this, she's always here to lift me up

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