Just us

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7:15 (Soojin)

All four of our members left other then me and Shuhua. I was kinda of skeptical to why they'd leave but I realized they are dating so they can go on dates and cute crap like that.

I was laying down on the couch when it came to me me and Shu have yet to talk about what happened the other night, we brushed it off like nothing happened. I didn't want that though

Could I even bring it up? And Soyeon would want me to tell Shu my feelings now huh

I kept tossing and turning on the couch "wae~" I groaned love is so weird

Jesus Soojin you have to tell her I told myself

Okay think, maybe I could make her some dinner have a one on one talk at the kitchen table uhhh Ehh no that would probably ruin her appetite right?

Then maybe uh after we eat we can go cuddle in her room and I could bring it up, but what if the atmosphere gets really awkward I don't want that

"You look deep in thought, what's up" Shuhua said walking towards the couch

My heart started skipping beats "The things she makes me feel" I thought starring at her

"Earth to Soojin" Shu waves in my face

"Oh uh... nothing" I shook my head

I looked back at her and noticed she was wearing grey sweats and a black t-shirt instead of that green one she always wears she even had her hair done

Was she going somewhere?

"Where are you going" I quickly asked

"Tzuyu text me wanting to hang out, wae" Shuhua replied texting on her phone

I gulp "can you both hang out another time" I averted my eyes somewhere else " I Uh have to tell you something"

"Jin-ah it cant wait" she started to pout

I got up and walked to the kitchen "this cant wait Shuhua, plus you two can hang out another time" I finally said begging

She nodded in defeat "fine, I'll listen if you make me dinner"

I smiled "that's what I'm going to do, you want to help me out"

Shuhua walked over to the kitchen and washed her hands

"Okay what do you need help with" she excitedly said looking at me


"Hmm you can cut the onions, but be careful" I pointed out

"Ohh your making Kimchi friend rice" Shuhua smiled brightly holding the knife up

"Yess~ now focus a-and put the knife down" Cute and holding a knife like that I don't even know anymore

We kept having small talk till Shuhua started being goofy

She was playing music and doing weird dance moves
While I grabbed the onions she cut and put them in the pot

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