• 3 ~ Babygirl •

111 18 46

March 31, 2020 -Miami, Florida
Cara POV


Now that that's out of the way, Keanu... tell me what you meant when you said that Lucy was Ace's girlfriend but not really his girlfriend.

Ace T
Hold on there mystery girl...

Kean CM
First of all babygirl... call me Kean, not Keanu. Second of all... I like the way you think 😉

First of all Keanu I am definitely not your babygirl so... why don't you just answer my question?

Kean CM

Gladly babygirl
Well it's sort of obvious that they're both whipped. I'm pretty sure we're just here to be buffers so that they don't turn into awkward messes...

Ace T
Fuck you man

Kean CM
Just stating facts

Bestie Boo🥳

Don't act like it's not true bestie, you know it is.

Bestie Boo🥳
Omg is embarrassing me your favorite thing to do chica 😭


Bestie Boo🥳 sent you a chat!

Bestie Boo🥳
What was that all about?!

Whatever do you mean my friend?

Bestie Boo🥳
I mean you and Kean totally exposing me and Ace on the first day! You were supposed to gently nudge us together, not embarrass us until we get together!

Oh, fine.

Kean CM sent you a chat!

Kean CM
So apparently we have to gently nudge them into a relationship instead of pushing them straight into one?

Dude! You got that text too? Wow they really are meant to be.

Kean CM
So how are we gonna do this babygirl?

We? I'm sorry "we" aren't doing anything. "We" are going to let me handle this and "we" are just going to get Ace to do things for me when I need him to.

Kean CM
So... what I'm hearing is we're going to be making a game plan soon.


Kean CM
Wow... that hurts babygirl. Can't believe you're resisting my charm.

Hmm, does it not happen often?

I know guys like him. I thought Lucy said he was cool? He's far from it. He's just going to annoy me and since he can't actually get in my pants, he's going to try and do it virtually. And let me tell you, Cara Greene sexts no man.

Kean CM
Actually, it does happen every now and then, but they usually end up thinking that they're going to make me fall in love with them as if we're in some romance story.

Well don't worry love, you won't have to worry about that with me. I am very content having you not be in love with me.

Kean CM
Don't you worry babygirl, I'll change your mind in no time.


Sure... anyway, I have love lives to plan, tootles!

Kean CM
Wait! Hold up. Let me help you. I'll settle down on the flirting, seriously.

Why... what do you get out of it?

Kean CM
A conversation... it gets tiring when everyone just wants to talk about sex. I mean yeah it's cool and all but come on... getting to know people, it's just as great. Also helping my closest friend get the girl with your aid.

Wow... I wasn't expecting that.

Kean CM
They never are.

Okay Mr. Cliche, let's have a conversation.

Kean CM
Okay first of all... who are you? Since we're going to be working together I wanna get to know you. I don't think we've met since I didn't have your snap so... who are you?

How do you expect me to answer that question? Describe everything about myself?

Kean CM
Okay, fine you're right weird question. What's your name?


Kean CM
Why haven't I met you before? I mean... you seem interesting enough.

Oh wow, just what a girl loves to hear :)

Kean CM
Sorry, not how I meant it to come out. I just mean... I've met your friend Lucy irl, so where have you been during those times? I mean you guys seem pretty close and she's brought other friends around us before so... were one of them you?

Maybe I was, I doubt you would notice anyways. But to be honest I don't know what you look like either so...

Kean CM
Not to sound... cocky or anything but... how do you not know what I look like?

Way to not sound cocky :)
But anyways, I don't know what you look like because I don't really pay attention to people. I know what Ace looks like because Lucy pointed him out to me. If it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't know what he looks like either. You were probably somewhere around him at the time she pointed Ace out, but there were so many guys I really don't know which one you might've been.

Kean CM
Okay tell you what, I send you a picture of me and you send me a picture of you.

*Gasp* Keanu! We just met, and I thought you said you wanted to have a conversation with me. Tsk tsk tsk. Turns out you are just Mr. Cliche player bad boy after all.

Kean CM
Oh, you know what I meant. Send me a pic of your face so I know what you look like.


Kean CM

Yep, no.

Kean CM
That sentence made no sense.

I'm not sending you a picture of what I look like.

Kean CM
But... why? I mean... don't you want to know what the hype is about ;)

I think it would make things more interesting. If you're going to force me to talk to you I think it'd be more interesting if I didn't know what you looked like. 

Kean CM
And tell me... how does that make sense?

You know he has a point there. Some might say it's because I hoped that Lucía's absurd proposition that I would find internet love during a worldwide pandemic came true. But it's not. It's simply not. I honestly don't know this kid and don't have dreams of falling in love with him or even falling for him period. He's also obviously a player. He may be nice but wanting to fall for him is not why I didn't want to know what he looks like and vice versa.

I'm bored man. Not knowing what you look like just makes everything so much more interesting. It's something to think about when I'm bored. I need some spice in my life.

Kean CM
Aww you're already planning when you're gonna think about me babygirl?

Okay maybe I'll just block you and figure out everything by myself without your help.

Kean CM
Alright, alright, I see your point on the not knowing what the other looks like thing. I also think it will help develop our friendship, you know? Get to know each other without judging based on outside appearances.

Yeah, exactly! See, I knew you'd understand. 

Kean CM
Look at us, already on our way to becoming best friends

You're lucky I'm bored, just as Lucía was. That's the only reason why I'm even entertaining you right now, and the only reason why I joined the group chat. My boredom is everyone else's gain.

Kean CM
Ok well, uhm not to be rude or anything but I'm gonna go spend time with my family so... we'll continue this later?

Oh... haha that's sweet. Sure Keanu, I'll talk to you later. 

Maybe he really isn't who I thought he was?

Hey guys!

Their first time interacting! How do you guys like it? I actually really like this chapter. 

Do you think Cara is judging Kean to quickly? 

Thanks so much for reading 

Edit: I went to sleep after editing the last chapter. Idek if I edited it very well but now it's morning time so I'm getting some more editing in :)

Bye loves <3
S y d.

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