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Spanish Translations in the A/N at the end

April 1, 2020 -Miami, Florida
Cara POV

It was the first day of April at like 1 AM and I was on a phone call with Keanu Carmichael and we were talking about sex. How this happened I'm not entirely sure, but here we are.

"Well personally I feel sex is something to be cherished, not thrown around to whoever. I'm waiting for the right person and I haven't found them yet."

"I agree." Keanu stopped mid-sentence to yawn. "Some girls don't even remember who their first was, and some guys don't know how many firsts they took. I'd rather just wait until marriage honestly."

I snorted, seriously?

"You're really going to wait until marriage?"

"Well... yeah?"

"No offense or anything but... why?"

"I dunno really, it's been implemented into me since I was young. My parents didn't say I absolutely had to wait, just that it would be better to. They just didn't want me getting a girl pregnant before my time."

We both laughed at that before I said, "I agree with waiting until you're ready but... come on, do you really think you could last that long? What if you meet the one like next year? You're not gonna marry her then. It's all about timing for me."

"I uh... I never really thought about it that way. I'll take that into account."

I tried to respond but my eyes were basically closed at that point.



"I really enjoyed talking to you." Keanu tried to stifle a yawn as well. 

I smiled before gathering up all the energy I had left. "Me too." And then we both fell asleep.


"Cara!! Wake up!"  

Ugh what time is it? Why's my mom waking me up so early?

"Cara. You can't stay asleep forever."

"No... it's too early mom. There's not even any school today."

"Babygirl it's 11 AM and I'm most definitely not your mom."

I shot up from my bed. 

"Where are you talking to me from? Did you break into my house?" I looked around my room frantically but there was no one there.

"Cara calm down." He laughed at my little freak out. "we forgot to hang up the call last night."

"We fell asleep... on call together?"


"Oh thank god!" I slumped back down on my bed.

He laughed at me, again. How was he able to laugh so freely in the morning? Even if it was 11 AM.

I suddenly remembered something.

"Do you have anything to do today?" I said, proping my head up on my elbows and facing my phone even though he couldn't see me.

"Not really, all my  schoolwork is done, why?"

"Because project Lace is a go!"

"Project Lace?" I realized how stupid I must sound and how confused he must be so I elaborate. 

"Project Lucía and Ace. We have to start 'gently nudging them together'."

He groaned. "But forcefully pushing them together is so much more fun!"

"I know, I know, but out of respect for them we do it their way."

"Fine, fine."

"Okay! Be ready for my call and/or text by like 3."

"I'll be waiting."

I quickly hung up the phone and checked my battery percentage. 100%. It's a good thing I put my phone on the charger last night cause otherwise it would be dead. I unplugged it from the charger and went downstairs to have some breakfast with my parents. 


After breakfast, dishwashing, and a multitude of other chores it was actually around the time that I told Keanu I would text him. But before I could text or call him I saw that Lucía had texted me. I had told her before I started that I was doing chores, so she shouldn't be wondering where I am.

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