• 14 ~ Facetime •

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French Translations in the A/N at the end

May 2, 2020 -Miami, Florida
Cara's POV

Yep. I'm video calling him. Yeah, I know, I know. What happened to 'not seeing him would be interesting'? Well I was right, it was interesting for the time being. Getting to know him without seeing him really made me think about what he looked like and also let me get to know a guy who I probably wouldn't have given the time of day normally. But I think it's time I finally see him, we already know each other pretty well at this point. Also, it'll make him happy and I like it when he's happy.

After a few seconds of waiting he answered the phone. He wasn't looking at the camera either, so all I saw was his ceiling.

"Cara, did you accidentally click the facetime button again?"

"Nope. Not this time."

"Then why am I look at your ceiling?"

"Surprise!! It's face reveal day!"



"This was the big thing that I've been waiting for since yesterday?" 

"Yeah, pretty much. What, not good enough for you?" 

"It's better than good enough Cara."

"Great because there are no refunds."

He laughed and I heard some rustling. I also heard him whisper shout something that sounded like 'yes!' before he said anything else.

"Okay so... what do you look like?"

"Hold on!"

I switched the view to the back camera and made my way to the mirror in my room. I stuck my tongue out and did a little pose for the camera. Before calling him I tried to make myself look at least a little presentable.

What? It was the first time I was seeing him. I didn't want him to think I was ugly! Either way it doesn't matter. I don't care about his opinion!

"...Well fuck."

I looked at my phone to find a dark haired boy smirking at me with no shirt on. His hair looked messy, but it was cute. Of course he was good looking he was Keanu freaking Carmichael.

I laughed at his response to me in the camera. Okay, maybe I cared about his opinion just a little bit. "I'm serious Cara. You're even more gorgeous than I thought you'd be."

I smiled a stupid smile. This better not start happening more often because I won't be able to handle it.

"Oh shut up KC."

He rolled his eyes at me before saying, "So what about me? What do you think of me?"

I puckered my lips pretending to think it over. I took this time to look him up and down. No shirt. Yeah, this man was fine... but now here comes the problem of admitting that to him without sounding weird or awkward. Well, here goes.

"You're... actually extremely good looking. Congratulations! You're hot."

He looked away from me, smiling at something to his right.

"Thanks Cara." He was practically beaming at me and... he was stupid smiling! Even more stupid than I had smiled. Ha!

"Haha! I made you stupid smile!"

His smile immediately fell into a confused but amused expression as he raised one eyebrow. "Stupid smile?"

"Yeah, like goofy smile! When someone says or does something that makes you smile really wide and you can't control it."

"Hmm, I see. Well in that case you stupid smiled as well."

"Not as stupid as you luv!"

"Yeah, whatever."

He started smiling again and put his phone down so I saw his ceiling again.

"What are you doing?" I saw his hands over the screen touching stuff.

"Well I'm trying to screenshot you so that I can post you and your cute ass on snap to ward away the girls because apparently once wasn't enough. Also because I just wanna post your cute ass on snap."

"Wait no, stop!"

"What? Do you not want me to post you? Because if that's what this is about you better get over it because I'm definitely not not posting you."

"Just hold on!"

If I'm gonna be on Keanu's snapchat, I have to look amazing. Or at least better than I do right now. I quickly put my messy curly hair into a low bun and left some hair out in the front. I put on some lip gloss and went back in front of my mirror, positioning myself perfectly in the light. I went into snapchat and chose my favorite filter. The "mocha" one.

"Hey! I can't see you anymore!"

"Yeah that's sort of the point Keanu, shut up." He sighed and let me get back to my picture taking. After a couple tries I finally got the perfect one and sent it to Keanu.

"Wow... you look stunning."

"Stop complimenting me before I never video call you again."

"You wouldn't dare do that to yourself."


"Yes, I am, in your own words, extremely good looking and hot. You couldn't deprive yourself of my face."

"You're so right. Whatever would I do not being able to see this amazing beauty that I have had the pleasure of laying my eyes upon!"

"Exactly! And in case you decide to post me as well, here's a picture of myself. Not saying you have to but it would be much appreciated."

It was a picture of Kean in front of a tree. No shirt on, of course, and smiling widely. It was cute. I liked it.

"I'll think about it."

"I have something else for you to think about..." He winked at me through the camera and I was already regretting my decision.

"What is it." I groaned.

"Topic: physical insecurities."

"Oh... that's a good topic."

"Do you have any physical insecurities? I don't understand how some beautiful girls can hate themselves even with their beauty, but I wanna know."

"No, I don't actually. I've never really been one to care. I'm fine with my body -though most people say it's cause I have 'the perfect body'- and I actually think I'm pretty. Any and all of my insecurities are mental and emotional. Not physical."

"Wow... that's honestly the first I've heard that. Every girl I know and have talked to before has at least one physical insecurity that they wish they could change."

"If I have one, it's not that big of a deal to me because I can't think of anything right now. What about you Mr. Stealer of hearts? Any physical insecurities?"

"A few minor things yeah, but nothing major. Sometimes my hands get sweaty and feel disgusting. Every now and then instead of looking in the mirror and saying 'hello handsome' I say 'Go back to sleep ugly'."

I started giggling uncontrollably. "You- you tell yourself he- hello handsome every morn- morning?" I could not stop laughing while he scowled at me.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep laughing."

"Will do." I said, still trying to recover from my laughing fit.

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