• 12 ~ Je t'aime •

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Spanish and French Translations in the A/N at the end

April 14, 2020 -Miami, Florida
Cara POV

"Wow, you actually got him to talk to her. That's a... never before seen achievement right there," Keanu said after I told him what happened between me and Ace. 

"I know. I'm amazing, you don't have to remind me."

"That you are Cara, that you are."

"So are you ever gonna tell me about that mysterious ex-girlfriend of yours?"

"Oh yeah, but where to begin...?" 

"How about, I dunno, the beginning?" 

 "Right... so the beginning of sophomore year. Ace had met this girl over the summer and was dating her while I was single. Another girl had started trying to talk to me. At first I thought she was kind of clingy. Always coming up to me and starting conversations, but after a while I kind of liked it. I started actually participating in her conversations and we got close. There's no doubt in my mind that I was in love with her, but unfortunately she did not feel the same for me." Keanu stopped for a second and laughed to himself. 

"Funny, isn't it? She started off clinging to me and I ended up clinging to her. Anyway, she became toxic. Trying to distance me from my friends and family to try and have me to herself for whatever reason. She never actually cheated, but she told her friends about how if certain guys from our school were interested she would drop me in a heartbeat. Basically told everyone that I was just a casual thing. Like a distraction almost, but I didn't care, I was in love!" He sighed. 

"Finally Ace confronted me about it, telling me that she wasn't good for me and I lashed out at him. I told him he didn't know what he was talking about, that he was crazy. I was rude to my family too. Getting mad for the simplest things. That day when I went to sleep I thought everything over and realized the absolute jerk I had been. I apologized to my parents and Ace the next day and broke up with her."

"Does she still go to our school?"

"Nah. Her name was Cherry Thompson. She left after Sophomore year."

"Oh, I remember her!"

"Yeah... I used to call her babygirl."

"Oh?" I asked, interested in what he had to say.

"I stopped after a while, she told me that name disgusted her."

"Oh..." Wow.

"I should've asked you before I just randomly started calling you babygirl, right?"

"No, no, I like it. It's fine. Call me what you want Kean."

"You're going to regret saying that..."

I groaned. "Ugh, leave it to Keanu Carmichael to always make things dirty."

He laughed. "Anytime babygirl."

"Wait, I have a question. Why did you call me babygirl at first in the groupchat? You didn't know anything about me."

"I wanted to try it out. See how it fit with your personality. I had a weird, but good feeling about you despite me thinking you wanted to 'try and change me' and I'd say everything worked itself out pretty nicely."

"Thanks... I guess?"

We both started laughing and continued with our late night talk.


After breakfast and chores the next morning the first thing I did was text Lucía. 

How'd it go with Ace? -C

A lot better than I expected, you really are a great match maker. -L

Yes! I knew it would work :) So does my best friend have a boyfriend now? -C 

No, not yet. -L

And why not? Do I have to go threaten Ace? -C

No, chica, it's okay. I told him he'd need to work for the title of my boyfriend for making me go through such emotional trauma yesterday. It's a joke, but at the same time it isn't. I'm having fun though! -L

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