• 24 ~ The Groupchat •

37 4 0

August 18, 2020 -Miami, Florida
Cara POV

Going to the beach was exactly what I needed to clear my head and sort out my priorities.

Lani, Lucy and I all had the best time at the beach. We felt free of all the world's weights that seemed to be put on our shoulders and we just had the best time.

When I got home I did unblock Keanu everywhere. I was kind of hoping he would text me but something... better happened.

That brings us to the present. I just got out of school and finished my homework. Lucía and I are trying to figure out why Ace and Kean would send these particular messages in the groupchat and what exactly is instore for me.

Ace 😎
Cara, after school tomorrow go to the red hallway in building 6.

KC 💤😜
Follow the steps and you will get your fix.

Fix? Like drugs?

KC 💤😜
Hey we had to come up with a riddle on short notice c'mon! Cut us some slack.

Bestie Boo🥳
It's cute and all, but it really does sound like some type of drug deal is happening.

Ace 😎
Next time we will just tell you what to do without making it into a cute riddle! Women! So unappreciative.

The feminist in me just got all riled up.
How about next time try "Follow the steps and everything will be fixed."

Bestie Boo🥳
Wow, you should've just gotten Cara to make the riddle for you.

Ace 😎
Well of course you're good at riddles!

Yeah? Why's that? And just know that I'd choose my words carefully if I were you...

Ace 😎
Well I just mean... girls are better at that sappy sort of stuff you know?

How does that have anything to do with a riddle Mason?

Bestie Boo🥳
Can't get you out of this one babe. I hope you have fun.

Ace 😎
Well you guys write poems more and so you would be better at writing... I guess?

KC 💤😜
I do not agree with, nor do I condone, anything that comes out of Mason Taylor's mouth.

Mason Taylor? Your last name is Taylor? How did I not know that? Oh this is great material!

Bestie Boo🥳
I know right! It's adorable isn't it? He's like a little wannabe pop star!

Ace 😎
Babe you said my name was cool!

Well she lied to you sir. She definitely lied.

Bestie Boo🥳
What was it that Kean said?
"I do not agree with, nor do I condone, anything that comes out of Caralily Greene's mouth."

Ace 😎
Caralily Greene! You're making fun of me when you have two names for the price of one.

KC 💤😜
Hey Ace, calm down that's a touchy subject.

It's okay Kean. Thanks, but I can handle it.
Alright Ace you wanna go?

Ace 😎
You think you can take me?

Pshh! Child's play

Bestie Boo🥳
Ay Dios mío!

KC 💤😜
Ace you're such a child!

Ace 😎
Me? I'm the child! Oh you just made an enemy in this war Kean.

More mature than you 'Mr. I made everyone call me a different name because it sounds cooler.'

Bestie Boo🥳
Hey! Leave him and his name alone!

KC 💤😜
Who's side are you even on Lucy?

Bestie Boo🥳
Uhh... side?

Yeah, pick one! Me and Kean or Ace

Bestie Boo🥳
Well Ace is outnumbered, so I guess I chose Ace

Bad choice bestie

KC 💤😜
You'll definitely regret this...

Bestie Boo🥳
Omg y'all are all so extra 😂

Many insults, a bunch of virtual yelling, and one failed group call later and it was 10PM and the conversation had died down. If I was being honest I was missing the days of late night Kean/Cara calls, but there was no way I could talk to him one on one. I don't know if he's comfortable with that yet and I don't wanna overstep my boundaries.

Message from KC 🤪😳

Okay what is this? Can the universe hear me or something? Whatever I'm not gonna question it.

Is it just me or are you really missing our late night calls after today? -K

Nope, not just you. I was thinking the same thing literally just a second before you texted me. -C

I know we're kinda awkward right now and you just unblocked me but can we just pretend that we're... okay? For a few hours. Just say no if you're not comfortable with it or anything I was just hoping we could facetime. -K

I didn't even give it a second thought. I quickly pressed the video call icon next to his face without answering his text.

"You didn't answer and I thought you were just going to ignore me but this... is much better."

"I would never."

"Well that's not exactly true..."

"I thought we were pretending we weren't awkward? In my mind that means no bringing up stuff from after the whole... thing."

"No, I wasn't talking about that."

"What were you talking about then?"

"I was talking about the various times you've ignore me for the dumbest things."

"Ohh... you're right I do ignore you a lot."

We both laughed thinking about our old memories.

"I've missed you babygirl." He was staring straight at me. His gaze was filled with so much emotion that I think my eyes started watering.

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that-"

I shook my head, "I've missed you too KC."

He smiled, "So we're okay?"

"Yes Kean, of course we're okay."

"That's great because my nights were getting filled with playing COD with Ace. That gets old after a while and I knew he thought so too because he started ditching me for Lucy."

"Aww, poor Keanu was lonely."

"Oh, don't tell me you weren't lonely too."

"Yes, but unlike you I grew up an only child and am self taught in the ways of 'occupying yourself when you have no friends and no one to talk to'."

"Well you have to teach me how to do that."

"The art of being crazy is not something one can be taught. It must be acquired. From years of talking to yourself and figuring out creative ways to pretend you aren't sad." I said putting on my best wise person voice, you know the one.

"Pretending you aren't sad?" He questioned in a concerned voice, instead of laughing like I thought he would.



"Well as an only child, especially when you're younger, you get sad about the fact that everyone gets to come home to another kid around their age to play with, but you only get your parents, which isn't bad, but obviously they aren't going to do all the things you want them to. You kind of get extremely lonely at a very young age and you have to figure out how to entertain yourself. In other words, pretending you aren't sad."

"That actually sounds pretty depressing."

"Yeah. Everyone always complains about having siblings but us only children have problems ourselves. It's not all getting whatever you want all the time."

"But I bet your parents did give you a lot of stuff."

"Yeah... but material things really don't even compare to memories."

"Well then let's make some." He smiled at me, making me almost cry for like the 20th time today. I really need to get my hormones in check, this is getting out of hand. But I could get used to this, to Kean being around... again.



Hey guys!

This chapter was so much fun to write. The whole groupchat just bonding, ugh I love it! 

Sorry I haven't been updating, I've been taking a little bit of a reading break if I didn't mention that already. 

What do you think is gonna happen the next day? Maybe you'll find out pretty soon ;)\

No translations 

Comment and vote if you enjoyed! 

Bye loves <3

S y d.

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