• 22 ~ The Good & The Bad •

31 4 0

August 4, 2020 -Miami, Florida
Cara POV

Yesterday during the group call Kalani told me she wanted to carpool with Lucy and I, something about her family being annoying and her not having her drivers license. Of course I said yes, and so that's what I'm doing right now.

I picked up Lucía first and we were now on our way to Kalani's house. Which also happened to be Keanu's house. If I'm being honest I'm extremely nervous about this. Awkward encounters are not my thing, especially when I may or may not burst into tears because of them.

"C'mon Lani just tell me who's picking you up! Is it Cruz? Doesn't he have his permit? I don't understand what the big deal is." I heard a familiar voice yelled as we pulled up to Kalani's house.

"None of your business Keanu! Just leave me alone, jeez! Stop breathing down my neck!"

My window was down and when Keanu looked in the driver's seat to see who was there we made eye contact... which I broke as soon as it happened.

"Drive Cara, drive!" I started the car and we were off, but I felt a pair of eyes on the back of the car all the way down the road.

"Well that was... uncomfortable." Kalani said, trying to break the ice.

Lucía snorted, "Understatement of the year."

We all went quiet again, trying to think of something to say without mentioning the elephant the room.

Eventually Kalani got tired and said something, "Okay is anyone gonna talk about the fact that Keanu was definitely staring at Cara and that may or may not mean he still has feelings for her."

This time it was my turn to snort, "Don't give me false hope Lani."

"False hope?" Kalani looked over at Lucía.

"She's finally realized the error of her ways and regrets her decision." Lucy responded.

"That's great! One step closer to getting you guys together! For real this time!"

"He's dating Echo? Remember?"

"Yeah but I feel like he's only doing it cause he feels obligated to. He stopped talking to me as much because he knows anything he tells me I'll tell you, but when he's around Echo he looks so stiff and uncomfortable. Even when she's not around he's like a robot almost. He was never like that with you."

"That doesn't mean anything. Even if he is uncomfortable with Echo doesn't mean he still likes me. It doesn't matter anyway, I wouldn't have the guts to do anything about it if he did like me."


Two weeks have passed and nothing's changed. Echo and Keanu seem to be in a rough patch or something because they've stopped with the PDA... or maybe they just both feel bad for me and don't want me to cry in every class. Either way it doesn't matter I'm still the same depressed bitch I was last week. 

Lucía and Ace have gotten much better though! They still have their arguments but they've stopped breaking up because of it. They now talk out their issues like big kids. Look at them!

Speaking of Lucía and Ace I haven't talked to Ace since the Keanu thing and right now he's standing with Lucía at her locker. I knew this day would come eventually.

Put on your own big kid pants and approach them Cara!

I have to take Lucía home right now anyway, so there's no way to avoid it.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Bestie!" Lucía said as she turned around to face me.

"Hi Cara, long time no see." Ace said as he smiled politely to me.

"What's up?"

"Nothing really, we were just talking." Lucía said looking up at Ace in a pleading way. "We were actually talking about you... and Kean."


"Look chica, I love you and I want what's best for you and honestly ever since you and Keanu started talking I knew that he was what's best for you. You were never really sad but... you were so much happier while you and Kean were friends."

"Yeah Same with Kean. He's never really let females into his life since Cherry... and then you came along. You guys fit together really well."

I couldn't believe them! There were so many reasons why this could never work. One, I'm not a homewrecker. Two, Keanu probably hates me, I broke his heart. And three, I'm don't even know how I'd go about it. I'm too nervous and scared and nothing ever goes my way.

"Look guys, what you're doing is nice, it really is, but this won't work. You guys are just going to have to live with the fact that me and Keanu aren't getting together kay?" I slowly walked backwards away from them and when I felt the tears coming in I turned around and took off in a sprint.

Lucía POV

[A/N: This is like a preview for the next book, like how it feels to be inside Lucía's head. It's also so you can see what happens after Cara leaves]

"You guys are just going to have to live with the fact that me and Keanu aren't getting together kay?"

Ay dios mío! Cara's always telling me about how I need to be honest with myself about me and Ace's relationship and see the good and not just the bad, but she's not taking her own advice. There were so many good things that came out of their relationship, but she's only seeing the fact that she broke his heart and her's simultaneously.

I can't let her just throw their whole potential relationship and amazing friendship away like this by literally running away from her problems.

"Ace, I have to go after her! She's not listening to us and she just needs to understand that they could be so great if she just gives them a chance."

"Yeah I know. I already talked to Kean and he told me that if I can convince her that them dating isn't the worst thing in the world then he would absolutely date her."

"See! She's worried that Keanu hates her!"

"Hates her? Keanu adores her. Why do you think Echo broke up with him?"

"Wait Echo and Keanu aren't dating?"

"Keanu is a lot of a things, but he isn't a cheater Lucy. He wouldn't be trying to date Cara if he was still dating Echo."

"You're right, I'm so dumb." I slapped my hand over my face. That's why they'd been hanging out less recently.

"None of this matters right now though! I have to go after Cara, we're wasting time."

"Wait, Lucy! Maybe I should do it."

I looked at him with an odd expression. How would he be able to get through to Cara?

He laughed at me. Oh how I loved his laugh... Focus Lucy!

"I know what you're thinking but remember that time when Cara yelled at me to get me to ask you out for the first time?"

"Yeah, of course I remember it! She told me that our future kids would 'basically be hers' because she helped us." I rolled my eyes at the memory.

"Well I told her that she could be my best man at our wedding, if you chose Kalani over her for Maid of Honor of course."

I giggled at him, "Glad to know I have options."

"Anyway that's not the point! I promised her that you'd be the best man at her and Keanu's wedding, again if she picks Kalani and that can't happen if she and Kean don't, you know, get together. The whole point of this long winded story is that I feel obligated to help them since she helped us."

"Okay, that makes sense. Just... don't be too rude and don't get frustrated if she gets difficult."

"Thanks. Do you know where she might be or will I be going on a blind search?"

"Probably near the chorus room. She probably wouldn't go in for people to see her cry but she'd go to the most secluded place close to it. The chorus room is her happy place."

"She sings? I didn't know that."

"It's not a big part of her life but yes, and she's amazing at it as well." I wrapped my arms around Ace's shoulders and pecked him on the lips. "Now hurry up we don't have all day, I need my ride."

He laughed at me and ran off in the same direction Cara did.



Hey guys!

We're getting into the homestretch! Only a few more chapters! 

What do you guys think of Cara's reaction to everything that happened? Do you think it was valid? Or was she overreacting? 

Do you think Ace will be able to get through to her?

No translations today!

If you liked this chapter please please please comment and vote! It would make me so happy :)

Bye bye babes <3

S y d.

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